Cos'è Goteo

Our Mission

At first glance, Goteo is a platform for civic crowdfunding and collaboration on citizen initiatives and social, cultural, technological and educational projects. Goteo has replicas and alliances in several countries, thanks to its open source code as well as the awards and international recognition it has gathered since 2011. It is a tool for generating resources ‘drop by drop’ for a community of communities consisting of over 65,000 people, with a funding success rate over 70%.

But in reality, Goteo is so much more. There is a non-profit foundation (with consequent tax advantages for donors) behind the platform, and a multidisciplinary team developing tools and services for co-creation and collective funding. Our commons mission is tightly linked to principles of transparency, progress and societal improvement.

If you want to know more read on…
What do we want? A more ethical and collaborative Internet where citizens take an active role in improving and advancing their communities in economic, environmental, educational, political, social and / or cultural terms, through cooperative processes. A society where value is protected and the recognition of common goods, guarantors of fundamental rights is expanded.

What do we offer? We design and create open source tools, both technological and methodological, that promote transparency, open knowledge and free access to information, in order to help create more collaborative and ethical networks. We transfer the values of civil society to the institutional sphere, participating and contributing to the development and adaptation of public policies so that institutions understand their importance, facilitate and encourage self-organization and citizen participation.

What do we value? Our tools, such as Goteo, mobilize economic resources and human partnerships; contribute to community building; disseminate and create awareness and commitment around civic causes. They enable large scale collaboration among equals; establish connections and support among businesses, universities and citizens; and promote openness of information and knowledge to enable logics of transparency and cooperation instead opacity and competition.
We explain our impact with open data, we share our source code and we publish our accounts.


Who we are

Susana Noguero
Mission and strategy
From the "hard drive" of our Foundation, Susana is the executive management lead, keeping track of Goteo’s objectives and challenges, leading the team in decision making, and acting as the key person for all opportunities coming our way, both day-to-day and long term. The only thing she’s not sharing all that easily is her homemade lemonade recipe.
Support: Product design and services, partnerships and fundraising
Location: Palma de Mallorca
Olivier Schulbaum
Impact and advocacy
Olivier moves between the definition and the consistent design of the tools we develop and generating social impact, interpreting the needs of our partners and users with a close eye on new challenges, opportunities and technological paradigms. He is also active on many other fronts, but we absolutely deny all claims of having cloned him.
Support: Partnerships, product and service design, programming
Location: Palma de Mallorca
Enric Senabre
Product design and services
Enric performs research and leads product and service design with creativity and freshness, providing the innovation and flexibility for us to adapt to the needs of all types of projects and people. He appears and disappears from local and international meetings, dropping hints about Goteo plans and their impact. They say that Post-its grow in his pockets.
Support: Advocacy, training and partnerships
Location: Barcelona


How we work

The work we do at Goteo is literally distributed, with employees and partners residing in seven different regions (autonomous communities) of Spain (as their own personal lifestyle choices, not based on any strategic or commercial criteria).

We are present in several cities: Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, Malaga and Madrid. These teams are complemented by partners in Pontevedra, Bilbao and Caceres. Our team currently consists of 10 people, 4 of whom are in constant motion.

How we carry out our work? Those working to maintain Goteo do so via network. That means that the principles of autonomy and responsibility are assumed by those who participate in this network.

But autonomy and responsibility do not mean isolation. We maintain constant and fluid communication among us, and the better part of our work is done 100% online. To maintain our internal dialogue and joint production, we use a variety of digital tools: email, mailing lists, chats, digital backlogs, and online documents.

We also need weekly videoconferences and lots of calls in parallel with our other channels :) However, since meeting “in person” on a regular basis is also very important, we regularly hold intense "summits" where we live, debate and reach consensus together into the wee hours.

The distribution of work is very personal and, although we don’t have a strict or formal criteria for it, is very closely linked to each one’s skills and interests.
The governance of our organization is a bit unusual but we find it quite functional. We’re aiming for horizontality and agility, we discuss and make decisions as a group and, ultimately, delegate depending on the experience, knowledge and strategic vision of each of us, as needed.

Any team member may voice a well-argued opposition to a decision, and that opposition can lead to a change of direction. Our attitude and personal affinity is crucial for this process to work: self-criticism, priority in the general interest of Goteo, beyond our personal vision, and affinity in our values and ethical principles. These are some of the keys that keep us in gear.



Anto Recio — European projects and training
Celia Gradín — Partnerships and community care
Elsa Soro — European projects and training
Vicky Anderica y Raúl Magallón — Impact and community care
Vicky Bolaños — Communication and storytelling
Diego Bustamante — Design
Rosa Fernández — Care of the local community in the Basque Country
Ricardo Antón — Mission and strategy
Martina Ramis — Administration and finance
Jordi Planas —Mission, strategy and mentoring
Arantxa Mendiharat — Mission and patronage



Todo nuestro agradecimiento por haber trabajado con nosotros/as:
Enric Senabre
Martina Ramis
Mercè Moreno
Maria G Perulero
Carmen Lozano
Rosa Fernández
Elsa Soro
Celia Gradín
Anne Marie Utratel


Goteo's hits



Comparative Chart

Goteo is, in our opinion, the best platform for crowdfunding: more effective, more social and more ethical. Do you know why? Otras plataformas
Projects only funded if project reaches target on time The basic rule of crowdfunding :)
Social impact projects with collective returns Free/open licenses + sharing knowledge = Goteo Projects
Not just about money - crowdsourcing welcome Lend a hand, a tool, a skill, an online share...
Backed by a Non-Profit Goteo has a non-profit, social economy Foundation behind it
100% legal, tax deductible donations* Goteo transactions are donations, pure and simple. (Tax deductible certificate for European donors giving >€10,000) *(Spanish residents)
“Matchfunding” - Crowd donations multiplied by other sources of funds Our ongoing fundraising brings institutional support, multiplying donations and social impact.
Access to innovative training methodologies Our professionally and institutionally endorsed workshops harvest the power of collaboration and shared experience for greater success.
Two rounds of crowdfunding for maximum resources We want to see projects born in Goteo not only survive but thrive, going beyond the basics.
Monetary transparency: detailed budget builds trust Honesty and accountability in crowdfunding is our main goal.
Project results guaranteed by contract with promoters Only Goteo guarantees project development including rewards and returns fulfillment, with mediation if needed.
Project results tracked, best practices promoted Goteo cares about projects post-funding; we research and publish project results and impact.
100% open source platform We walk the talk of sharing: our software is available under APGL3 license
Open Data Our open source API shows statistics and indicators, clearly visualized. Opening data yields more opportunities: economic, learning, and trust-based community building.

