Immagine di intestazione
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Finanziato il 30 / 07 / 2016
$ 19,775
$ 10,730
$ 46,446
184 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 5

    Thank-you letter

    You will receive a personalized letter for your support!

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    Picture of the school with the children

    It includes: School photo+ Thank you letter

    > 15 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 21

    Original drawing from the kids

    It includes: Personalized drawing for you sponsor+School photo+Thank-you letter

    > 21 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 32

    Chagua Maisha t-shirt

    You can choose between two different models, both of them originals and about our proyect. The sizes are: S, M, L, XL, XXL. And it includes: T-shirt+School photo+Thank-you letter.

    > 19 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 43

    Sponsor´s name on the brick

    It includes:

    > 11 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 54

    Pack nombre del donante en ladrillo y camiseta

    INCLUYE: Nombre del donante en la cara visible de uno de los ladrillos + Camiseta (a elegir entre dos diseños) + Foto del colegio + Carta de agradecimiento.

    > 22 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 107

    Artículo de artesanía tanzana

    INCLUYE: Pieza de madera tallada con forma de guerrero masai + Reconocimiento en las redes sociales + Foto colegio + Carta de agradecimiento

    > 19 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 215

    Agradecimiento personal audiovisual al donante

    INCLUYE: Vídeo de agradecimiento personal desde Arusha + Reconocimiento en redes sociales + Aparición en los créditos + Carta de agradecimiento + Foto del colegio

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 537

    Placa "especial agradecimiento"

    Consta de una placa en la puerta del colegio con los nombres de los donantes "especiales" (que aporten una donación de 500€ o superior)
    INCLUYE: Nombre en la placa + Reconocimiento en las redes sociales + Aparición en los créditos + Carta de agradecimiento + Foto del colegio.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 1,073

    Experiencia tanzana

    Viaje guiado por los lugares más increíbles de la ciudad de Arusha y alrededores de la mano del presidente de la ONG Progress for Africa. Con esta experiencia se busca que el donante conozca la "auténtica" Tanzania, ya que accedería no solo a los lugares más emblemáticos ( a los cuales puede ir cualquier turista), sino que tendría la oportunidad de ir a los lugares más representativos de la cultura tanzana. INCLUYE: Experiencia tanzana + Nombre en la placa "especial agradecimiento" + Reconocimiento en las redes sociales + Aparición en los créditos + carta de agradecimiento + Foto del colegio.

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 5,365

    Vive el proyecto

    Te invitamos a vivir en primera persona el proyecto Chagua Maisha, pudiendo colaborar con total libertad en las actividades diarias que te interesen. También se vivirá y se comerá con los voluntarios y voluntarias.
    INCLUYE: Vive el proyecto + Experiencia tanzana + Nombre en la placa "especial agradecimiento + Reconocimiento en las redes sociales + Aparición en los créditos + Carta de agradecimiento + Foto del colegio

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 10,730

    Donante estrella

    Consta de la realización de un safari y de la elección del nombre del restaurante.
    INCLUYE: Safari + Elección del nombre del restaurante + Vive el proyecto + Experiencia tanzana+ Nombre en la placa "especial agradecimiento" + Reconocimiento en las redes sociales + Aparición en los créditos + Carta de agradecimiento + Foto del colegio.
    Para más información póngase en contacto con nosotr@s.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

Su questo progetto

You are what you choose. Choose education and health. Choose life. Chagua Maisha

Bisogni Compito Minimo Ottimo
Actuaciones previas en terreno
En el momento en que se adquiere un terreno y previa construcción, es necesario hacer un estudio sobre el mismo, para analizar el tipo de suelo y en función de ello llevar a cabo las actuaciones necesarias, tales como: Desmonte 120€; Nivelado 200€; Rellenado de tierra 110€; Replanteo, excavación y vertido 350€; Estudio cimentación 1320€
$ 2,146
Bisogni Infrastruttura Minimo Ottimo
Es necesaria la adquisición de la parcela para la construcción de los edificios en los que el proyecto se llevará a cabo. El precio final de la misma es de 23000 €; disponemos de 15000 € aportados por la propia ONG Progress for África.
$ 8,584
Cubierta de chapa plegada que protegerá a los edificios de las inclemencias climáticas, proporcionando un ambiente agradable para el desempeño de las actividades planeadas en los ámbitos educativo y sanitario del proyecto.
$ 14,157
Costes asociados a la obtención del agua necesaria para la construcción.
En el caso de que no fuera posible recurrir a una acometida de agua existente, sería necesario buscar una manera alternativa de conseguir el agua
$ 2,146
Bisogni Materiale Minimo Ottimo
Materiales necesarios para la construcción de las aulas.
Listado de materiales: Cemento: 100 sacos x 6.65 € por saco = 665 €; Arena: 1.5 camiones x 166.5 € por camión = 249.75 €; Grava: 1.5 camiones x 203.15 € por camión = 304.73 €; Ladrillo: 2898 ladrillos x 0.75 € por unidad = 2174 €; Rastrel de madera: 213.125 m x 0.15 € por metro = 31.97 €; Tablero hidrófugo (3x2.5m): 11.5 tableros x 8.10 € por unidad = 93.15 €; Ventana: 6 ventanas x 146 € por unidad = 876 €; Puerta: 3 puertas x 133 € = 399 €
$ 5,144
Materiales necesarios para la construcción del edificio que aloja el consultorio y el restaurante.
Listado de materiales: Cemento: 106 sacos x 6.65 € por saco = 704.9 €; Arena: 1.5 camiones x 166.5 € por camión = 249.75 €; Grava: 1.5 camiones x 203.15 € por camión = 304.73 €; Ladrillo: 3036 ladrillos x 0.75 € por unidad = 2277 €; Rastrel de madera: 227 m x 0.15 € por metro = 34 €; Tablero hidrófugo (3x2.5m): 12 tableros x 8.10 € por unidad = 97.2 €; Ventana: 4 ventana x 146 € por unidad = 584 €; Puerta: 2 puertas x 133 € = 266 €; Cocina: 1 cocina x 150 € por unidad = 150 €
$ 5,116
Materiales necesarios para la construcción de los aseos.
Listado de materiales: Cemento: 25 sacos x 6.65 € por saco = 166.25 €; Arena: 0.5 camiones x 166.5 € por camión = 83.25 €; Grava: 0.5 camiones x 203.15 € por camión = 101.57 €; Ladrillo: 697 ladrillos x 0.75 € por unidad = 522.75 €; Rastrel madera: 30 m x 0.15 € por metro = 4.5 €; Tablero hidrófugo (3x2.5m): 2 tableros x 8.10 € por unidad = 16.2 €; Lavabo: 6 lavabos x 23 € por unidad = 138 € ; Puerta: 6 puertas x 45 € = 270 €; Retrete: 6 retretes x 75 € por unidad = 450 €
$ 1,881
Materiales necesarios para la construcción del dormitorio del Masai.
Listado de materiales: Cemento: 39 sacos x 6.65 € por saco = 259.35 €; Arena: 1 camión x 166.5 € por camión = 166.5 €; Grava: 1 camión x 203.15 € por camión = 203.15 €; Ladrillo: 1104 ladrillos x 0.75 € por unidad = 828 €; Rastrel madera: 40 m x 0.15 € por metro = 6 €; Tablero hidrófugo (3x2.5m): 2 tableros x 8.10 € por unidad = 16.2 €; Ventana: 1 ventana x 146 € por unidad = 146 €; Puerta: 1 puerta x 133 € = 133 €;
$ 1,886
Listado de materiales: Cemento: 42 sacos x 6.65 € por saco = 279.3 €; Arena: 1 camión x 166.5 € por camión = 166.5 €; Grava: 1 camión x 203.15 € por camión = 203.15 €; Ladrillo: 2346 ladrillos x 0.75 € por unidad = 1759.50 €; Rastrel madera: 82.5 m x 0.15 € por metro = 12.38 €; Tablero hidrófugo (3x2.5m): 5 tableros x 8.10 € por tableros = 40.5 €; Ventana: 2 ventanas x 146 € por unidad = 292 €; Puerta: 2 puertas x 133 € = 266 €;
$ 3,239
Pavimentación de las zonas comunes polivalentes.
$ 2,146
Totale $ 10,730 $ 46,446

Informazione generale

The main objective of this project is to achieve the greatest positive impact in the Tanzanian city of Arusha, and the aim of our Crowdfounding is that you, dear sponsor, trust us to help us to do it.
This year we have proposed a new challenge: building a new education centre in Arusha, which at the same time will have primary healthcare and a little canteen-restaurant so that we will be able to feed our children every day. We will start building the school and the healthcare room in the middle of June, so that we will be able to start the children and adult classes programme in July. Once this part has finished, the primary healthcare service will start running.
We are very excited and we will work a lot to make this project possible. Nowadays, we are very conscious of the importance of Crowdfounding to support our project, to which we will dedicate all our strength in the next few months and until the end of the building process, considering that all these efforts will materialize in Tanzania.
With a far more modest extent, we are organizing events, selling T-shirts, looking for sponsors…
Once the piece of land is already bought, the building process of the school will start, beginning from the roof and the rooms in where we will give the lessons to our children. One of the main objectives of the project is making it sustainable, for this purpose we will create a restaurant and a grove. The grove will give us the necessary food for the restaurant to offer a daily meal to our children. It will also be open to the local people and tourists during non-school hours. Thanks to the building process being financed mainly by donations, the grove will be run in as a nonprofit, so all the benefits will be donated to the maintenance of the project. We will publish our expenses with details on our website, too.
Arusha’s population is characterized by a huge feeling of community. They meet each other and are interested on the welfare of everyone around them although it is the first time they have a conversation with one another. Children play in the streets worry-free because “everyone takes care of everyone”. This life’s philosophy is the cradle on which the NGO has been built.
We want to create a sharing and cooperative space in order to reach a real welfare for the community. We want to go further from the occidental concept of life quality and promote a way of growth that is balanced with nature.
NGO activities are based on cooperation to development projects through which the population itself can reach a fair standard of living in which their dignity and human rights will be recognized and guaranteed.

Descrizione del progetto. Caratteristiche, punti di forza e peculiarità.

The minimum target of our project is the phased building of a school and a medical care room depending on the reached financing. The singularity of our building is that it will keep on growing as long as our project reaches the funds, because it is designed by modules, which provide us the flexibility and calm needed to be able to develop our project even though we don’t acquire all the funds required right now.
Both the school and the medical care room will open free to the citizens of the neighborhood of Sombetini, in Arusha, where we will offer a good quality education and basic medical tests to contribute to the development and welfare of the city.
The order will be concordant to the purpose of the project, first preparation and foundation of the ground, then the building of the roof which will be able to host two modules of classrooms, the medical care room and the restaurant.
Additionally, while the construction is taking place, we will do a population study of the neighborhood, which will let us know better our work field. This document will be completely free and will be part of the collective return of the project to other organizations. Once it is finished, the school and the medical care room will open immediately due to the fact that it is our main purpose.


Motivazione e a chi si dirige il progetto

We collaborate with the NGO, Progress For Africa, whose main purpose is reaching a dignified welfare for the Arusha community. The reason why we are involved in this project is the own decision of the neighbors from Sombetini to undertake this idea looking for the support that we need to do it.
In any case, each one of the volunteers has different personal motivations for which we are involved in this cooperation to development project. Among them, we all agree on the respect for human rights, the empowerment of civil population, cooperation as the way of relationship among the human beings, the defense of the most vulnerable groups in the society as a way to the equality and the eradication of all forms of discrimination, etc. We believe, as well as Progress For Africa does, in the dignity of the human being.

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Obiettivi della campagna di crowdfunding

Tanzania is characterized for having a privatized, optional education system for preprimary; this is why one of the main purposes of the project is to provide a free preprimary education (children aged from 3 to 6 years) with the aim of easing children initial tools, motivating their future learning.
As far as health is concerned, we follow three main objectives:
-Doing a study about the health characteristics of the population of Arusha, with the aim of identifying its main deficiencies, so that we will be able to sensitize and form the citizens to offer training activities in health to those most vulnerable social groups, as teenagers, children and women with intention of working one of the main guarantees of health for all the community: prevention.
-Finally, given the economic means we dispose of and the human resources –among volunteers and local population- with which we would count on, we will be able to provide the population with some resources and basic health care services: treatment and test of malaria diagnosis, HIV treatment, vaccinations, vitamin and nutritional supplements for children, etc.

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Esperienza previa e team

When did we start this project?
The NGO, Progress For Africa Foundation was created in 2014, motivated by the hope of Tanzanian population to contribute to the development of their community. We, the volunteers who are planning this crowdfunding, have decided to add our efforts to their project. Last year we participated in the extension of a local school, Upendo Orphanage and Nursery School, building two classrooms thanks to which 90 children were able to start a basic education. Thanks to the funds donated and with the help of the Spanish student association ADHUE, we ended up successfully building two classrooms and we also could offer a daily meal to our children.
Who are we?
The team is composed of local population with plenty of knowledge of the land, the training of volunteers and previous experiences. They have created a work environment in which only moving forward exists. We are a young organization with a lot of road ahead, but rich with potential and hope. Progressively and making efforts together, we have constituted ourselves as a heterogeneous and multidisciplinary net of students and professionals with the aim of making real progress. Due to our interest in the humanitarian field, teaching vocation, or entrepreneur and our adventurous spirit, we have been going together around the beautiful idea we have in our hands. Everybody is working hand in hand to reach our objective in the different delegations that conform our project: Education, Legislation, Financing, Architecture, Design, Communication and Health.

Impegno sociale