Aller Simple

Immagine di intestazione
Vedere video
Finanziato il 09 / 10 / 2021
$ 9,094
$ 6,934
$ 11,015
112 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    A hug and your name in the credits

    You will be entitled to a big hug (face-to-face or from a distance) from the entire team. Also, your name will appear in the credits , so it will be read by millions of viewers who will enjoy Aller Simple through online platforms and festivals.

    • Your actual spending will be € 2 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 8 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 13 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 27

    Link to the movie

    In addition to the hug and thanks in the credits, we will send you the link to the movie so that you can watch it non-stop (or go straight to the end credits to show everyone your participation!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 20 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 32 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 54

    Script in pdf

    In addition to all of the above, we will send you our eternal thanks and the PDF of the Aller Simple script, signed by their authors (if you don't speak French, that will be the excuse to start!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 10 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 40 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 19 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 109

    Invitation to the preview

    In addition to all of the above, we will invite you to attend the preview (in Tolouse or in Barcelona ), to see the movie on the big screen, meet our fabulous team and eat peanuts while we talk about movies.

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 20 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 80 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 20 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 217

    Movie poster

    In addition to all of the above, one day not too far away you will find the magnificent poster for Aller Simple (designed by the great Tristan Houllemare and signed by the entire team).

    • Your actual spending will be € 62.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 137.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 326

    Mysterious USB memory stick

    In addition to all the above, one day you will receive a mysterious USB memory stick with the movie, the making of, souvenir photos and many GB of kisses.

    • Your actual spending will be € 127.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 172.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 434

    DVD of “Aller Simple”

    In addition to all the above, you will receive the Aller Simple DVD , recorded on a film by Nicolas Cage (a unique item that will increase in value over the years and pay off your children's mortgage!).

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 192.5 if donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 207.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 543

    Associated producers

    In addition to all of the above, you will appear in the film credits as associate producers (don't be surprised if in a few weeks Stanley Kubrick's manager calls you).

    • Your actual spending will be € 257.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 242.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-finanziatori


21 | 08 | 2022


Estimats/des mecenes,

Estem molt contents d’anunciar-vos que dijous 8 de setembre farem la presentació a Barcelona d’Aller Simple. La cita és a les 19h30 al CineBaix de Sant Feliu de Llobregat. un cinema associatiu que ens encanta i que ens cedeix amb una enorme amabilitat una de les seves sales. Tothom hi està invitat! Apunteu-vos-ho a l’agenda!

Us deixem un enllaç perquè confirmeu l’assistència i ens puguem fer una idea de quantes persones serem (per comprar més o menys cacauets ;-) La idea és veure la pel·lícula, comentar-la i fer després un pica pica.

Aquí teniu la pàgina web del CineBaix. Està ubicat molt a prop de l’estació de tren i a uns quinze minuts caminant del TramBaix. Hi ha un pàrquing just al costat en cas que hi vingueu amb cotxe.

Som conscients que els que viviu lluny o en d’altres països no podreu venir. Envieu-nos un missatge a l’email del Jan ( i us enviarem l’enllaç de la pel·lícula.

Fins aviat i amb molta il·lusió,

Jan i Jeanne


Queridas y queridos mecenas,

Estamos muy contentos de anunciaros que el jueves 8 de septiembre vamos a presentaros Aller Simple en la gran pantalla en Barcelona. La cita es a las 19.30h en el CineBaix de Sant Feliu del Llobregat, una cooperativa de cinéfilos que nos ha prestado super amablemente una de sus salas. ¡Todos los que podáis venir estáis invitados!

Aquí os dejamos un enlace para confirmar vuestra asistencia y hacernos una idea de cuántas personas seremos (y comprar más o menos cacauetes). El plan es ver la película, comentarla y hacer luego un pica pica.

Aquí tenéis la web del cine. Está ubicado muy cerca de la estación de tren y a unos 15 minutos caminando del TramBaix. Hay un párking justo al lado por si venís en coche.

Somos conscientes de que los que vivís lejos o en otros países no podréis asistir. Enviadnos un mensaje al email de Jan ( y os mandaremos el enlace de la película.

Hasta muy pronto, y con muchísima ilusión,
Jan y Jeanne


Chers et chères mécènes,

Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer que le jeudi 8 septembre, nous allons présenter Aller Simple sur grand écran à Barcelone. Le rendez-vous est à 19h30 au CineBaix de Sant Feliu del Llobregat, une coopérative de cinéphiles qui nous a gentiment prêté une de ses salles. Tous ceux qui pourront venir sont invités !

Ici, nous vous laissons un lien pour confirmer votre présence et avoir une idée du nombre de personnes que nous serons (et acheter plus ou moins de cacahuètes). Le plan est de regarder le film, de le commenter, puis de prendre une collation.

Ici vous avez le site du cinéma. Il est situé tout près de la gare et à environ 15 minutes à pied du TramBaix. Il y a un parking juste à côté au cas où vous viendriez en voiture.

Nous sommes conscients que ceux d'entre vous qui habitent loin ou dans d'autres pays ne pourront pas y assister. Envoyez-nous un message au mail de Jan ( et nous vous enverrons le lien du film.

A très bientôt, et avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme,
Jan et Jeanne


Dear patrons,

We are very happy to announce that on Thursday September 8th we are going to present Aller Simple on the big screen in Barcelona. The appointment is at 7:30 p.m. at the CineBaix in Sant Feliu del Llobregat, a cooperative of moviegoers that has kindly lent us one of its rooms. All of you who can come are invited!

Here you will find a link to confirm your attendance and get an idea of ​​how many people we will be (and buy more or less peanuts). The plan is to watch the movie, comment on it and then have a snack.

Here you have the website of the cinema. It is located very close to the train station and about a 15-minute walk from the TramBaix. There is a parking lot right next door in case you come by car.

We are aware that those of you who live far away or in other countries will not be able to attend. Send us a message to Jan's email ( and we will send you the link to the movie.

See you very soon, and with great enthusiasm,
Jan and Jeanne


Cari sostenitori,

Siamo molto felici di annunciarvi che giovedì 8 di settembre presenteremo Aller Simple sul grande schermo a Barcellona. L'appuntamento è alle 7.30 p.m. presso il CineBaix di Sant Feliu de Llobregat, una cooperativa di cinefili che ci ha gentilmente prestato una delle sue salle. Tutti coloro che possono venire sono invitati!

Qui troverete un link per confermare la vostra presenza e farci un’idea di quante persone saremo (e comprare più o meno noccioline). Il programma prevede di guardare il film, commentarlo e poi fare uno spuntino.

Ecco il sito web del cinema. Si trova molto vicino alla stazione ferroviaria e a circa 15 minuti a piedi dal TramBaix. C’è un parcheggio accanto, nel caso in cui veniate in auto.

Siamo consapevoli che coloro che vivete lontano o in altri paesi non potrete venire. Inviateci un messaggio all’e-mail di Jan ( e vi invieremo il link al film.

Ci vediamo presto, e con tanto entusiasmo,

Jan e Jeanne


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