(Acorn-fed Iberian Ox)

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Finanziato il 07 / 08 / 2022
£ 9,732
£ 6,771
£ 11,849
121 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 13

    Photo with recipe

    With this collaboration you will get a photo of the pasture where we will raise the Buey Ibérico de Bellota with a delicious meat recipe.

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 21

    Guided tour of one of the 3 farms

    Visit one of the 3 farms participating in the project to find out how we work the land and care for our animals. You will be able to learn all the details of the livestock management of the Iberian Acorn-fed Acorn-fed Beef, how this project helps to fight against climate change, the excellent animal welfare, the biodiversity improvement actions we carry out, etc.

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 30

    Photographic Hide

    One morning session in a small bird photographic hide (“blind” in U.S. English) where you will be able to photograph a lot of species. Depending on the time of year, this hide is frequented by blue tits, chickadees, goldfinches, hoopoes, orioles, jays, yellowhammers, sparrows, pied flycatchers, grey flycatchers, willow warblers, robins, blackcaps, blackbirds, thrushes, greenfinches, green woodpeckers, woodpeckers, nuthatches, redstarts, chaffinches and many more...
    3 hour session

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 42


    At the time of MONTANERA (acorn fall) we will make a collective visit to get to know the pasture (dehesa) where the oxen are, making VAREO DE BELLOTAS (beating the branches) where the cows and oxen will come to eat the precious treasure. There you can ask us anything you want to know about the animals we breed. We will talk about nature, livestock and climate change and anything else that comes up.
    As a walk through the pasture will whet your appetite, there is nothing better than ending the day with a delicious stew made with meat from our farms.
    The most appropriate date for the visit will be during the "montanera" (November-December).
    Approximate duration: 3 hours

    > 30 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 127


    At the time of MONTANERA (acorn fall) we will make a collective visit to know the pasture where the oxen are, making VAREO DE BELLOTAS where the cows and oxen will come to eat the precious treasure. There you can ask us anything you want to know about the animals we breed. We will talk about nature, livestock and climate change and anything else that comes up. As a walk through the pasture will whet your appetite, there is nothing better than ending the day with a delicious stew made with meat from our farms. The most appropriate date for the visit will be during the "montanera" (November-December).
    Approximate duration: 3 hours
    One morning session in a small bird photography hide where you will be able to photograph a lot of species. Depending on the time of year, this hide is frequented by blue tits, chickadees, goldfinches, hoopoes, orioles, jays, yellowhammers, sparrows, pied flycatchers, grey flycatchers, willow warblers, robins, blackcaps, blackbirds, thrushes, greenfinches, green woodpeckers, woodpeckers, nuthatches, redstarts, chaffinches and a long etc.
    3 hour session
    With this reward you will also get a photo of the pasture where we will breed the Iberian Acorn-fed Beef with a delicious meat recipe.

    > 07 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 254

    Pack of meat. 6 kg.

    Pack of meat. 6 kg.

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 423


    At the time of MONTANERA (acorn fall) we will make a collective visit to know the pasture where the oxen are, making VAREO DE BELLOTAS where the cows and oxen will come to eat the precious treasure. There you can ask us anything you want to know about the animals we breed. We will talk about nature, livestock and climate change and anything else that comes up. As a walk through the pasture will whet your appetite, there is nothing better than ending the day with a delicious stew made with meat from our farms. The most appropriate date for the visit will be during the "montanera" (November-December).
    Approximate duration: 3 hours
    One morning session in a small bird photography hide where you will be able to photograph a lot of species. Depending on the time of year, this hide is frequented by blue tits, chickadees, goldfinches, hoopoes, orioles, jays, yellowhammers, sparrows, pied flycatchers, grey flycatchers, willow warblers, robins, blackcaps, blackbirds, thrushes, greenfinches, green woodpeckers, woodpeckers, nuthatches, redstarts, chaffinches and a long etc.
    3 hour session

    > 01 Co-finanziatori

Encuentro de trabajo con CYCITEX. Finca La Orden en Badajoz

04 | 08 | 2022

El pasado 2 de Agosto, a pesar del enorme calor , visitamos La Finca de La Orden en Badajoz, centro de referencia de investigación agraria. Alli tiene una de sus sedes el Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura (CICYTEX) de la Junta de Extremadura.
El interés en compartir nuestro proyecto con CYCITEX es un reto para identificar y estudiar los parámetros que definen al Buey Ibérico de Bellota desde el punto de vista productivo y de los aspectos que definen e inciden en su calidad para su consumo. Esperamos que pronto materialicemos las líneas concretas a trabajar.
Vuestras inquietudes, preguntas y sugerencias serían tambien muy interesantes para fijar este itinerario de investigación entre todas.


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