
Immagine di intestazione
Vedere video
Finanziato il 04 / 10 / 2019
$ 9,544
$ 8,143
$ 18,814
111 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    Um borborinho
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between 2,5 and 7€

    > 14 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 21

    Um sussurro
    • Keyring handmade by the Galician artisan Kassuario Delui in medlar wood
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between 5 and 14 €

    > 14 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 27

    Canibalismo, de Marcos Abalde, 2ª edición

    Vamos a hacer una tirada especial del libro de Canibalismo, de Marcos Abalde. Por cada libro que enviemos, haremos un donativo con valor de 1€ al Projeto Educativo Semente.
    Link de visionado online exclusivo
    Agradecimientos en los títulos de crédito

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta: calculadora fiscal

    > 07 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 32

    Um rumorejo
    • Original signed poster, created by the graphic designer Sol Álvarez
    • Keyring handmade by the Galician artisan Kassuario Delui in medlar wood
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between € 7,5 and € 21

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 43

    Um murmúrio
    • The Canibalismo book, by Marcos Abalde, 2nd edition + donation of the profits with a value of 1€ for each book to Projeto Educativo Semente
    • Original signed poster, created by the graphic designer Sol Álvarez
    • Keyring handmade by the Galician artisan Kassuario Delui in medlar wood
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between 10 to 28€

    > 23 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 64

    PACK ATRAVÉS: Conocer Galicia

    Pack de 6 libros del área editorial del AGAL Através:
    As terras e as gentes da Galiza e Portugal na Nova Geografia Universal
    Conversas com Isaac Alonso Estraviz
    Ernesto Guerra da Cal, do exílio a galego universal
    História da Língua em Banda Desenhada
    Sempre em Galiza
    Sobre conflito linguístico e planificação cultural na Galiza contemporânea
    Link de visionado online exclusivo
    Agradecimientos en los títulos de crédito

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta: calculadora fiscal

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 64

    PACK ATRAVÉS: Narrativa

    Pack de 5 libros del área editorial del AGAL Através:
    A voz dos mundos
    Dixie em Wonderland
    Lembranças da Terra
    O penálti de Djukic
    Um elefante no armário
    Link de visionado online exclusivo
    *Agradecimientos en los títulos de crédito

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta: calculadora fiscal

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 64

    PACK ATRAVÉS: Poesía

    Pack de 8 libros del área editorial del AGAL Através:
    Curso de Linguística Geral
    Mecanismo de emergência
    Noente Paradise
    O teu corpo a oriente e ocidente
    Os modos do mármore
    Outra vida
    Se os carvalhos falassem
    Link de visionado online exclusivo
    Agradecimientos en los títulos de crédito

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta: calculadora fiscal

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 64

    PACK ATRAVÉS: Ensayo

    Pack de 6 libros del área editorial del AGAL Através:
    Politicamente incorreta
    O futuro é para sempre
    8 anos celebrando o Dia da Toalha
    Percursos sem roteiro
    Emigrantes, exilados e perseguidos
    Valle-Inclán lusófilo
    Link de visionado online exclusivo
    Agradecimientos en los títulos de crédito

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta: calculadora fiscal

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 75

    Um berro
    • Invitation to the pre-release of the short film
    • The Canibalismo book, by Marcos Abalde, 2nd edition + donation of the profits with a value of 1€ for each book to Projeto Educativo Semente
    • Original signed poster, created by the graphic designer Sol Álvarez
    • Keyring handmade by the Galician artisan [Kassuario Delui] ( in medlar wood
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between 21 and 49€

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 161

    Um rugido
    • Handmade ballpoint pen by the Galician artisan [Kassuario Delui] ( in noble woods
    • Invitation to the pre-release of the short film
    • The Canibalismo book, by Marcos Abalde, 2nd edition + donation of the profits with a value of 1€ for each book to Projeto Educativo Semente
    • Original signed poster, created by the graphic designer Sol Álvarez
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between € 37,5 and 105€

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 214

    Socio Colaborador
    • Logo en los créditos del cortometraje
    • Logo destacado en los siguientes soportes: web y dossier

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 321

    Um brado
    • Extras pack: frames and images of the shooting
    • Handmade bowl and ballpoint pen by the Galician artisan Kassuario Delui in noble woods
    • Invitation to the pre-release of the short film
    • The Canibalismo book, by Marcos Abalde, 2nd edition + donation of the profits with a value of 1€ for each book to Projeto Educativo Semente
    • Original signed poster, created by the graphic designer Sol Álvarez
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between 75 and 210€

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 536

    Um alarido
    • For individuals: Credit as Associate Producer
    • Extras pack: frames and images of the shooting
    • Handmade box and ballpoint pen by the Galician artisan Kassuario Delui in noble woods
    • Invitation to the pre-release of the short film
    • The Canibalismo book, by Marcos Abalde, 2nd edition + donation of the profits with a value of 1€ for each book to Projeto Educativo Semente
    • Original signed poster, created by the graphic designer Sol Álvarez
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between 125 and 350€

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 536

    Socio Patrocinador
    • Logo en los créditos del cortometraje
    • Logo destacado en los siguientes soportes: web, dossier y photocall en el estreno
    • Mención en redes sociales y notas de prensa enviadas a los medios

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 1,071

    Socio Patrocinador Principal
    • Logo en los créditos del cortometraje
    • Logo destacado en los siguientes soportes: web, dossier y photocall en el estreno
    • Mención en redes sociales y notas de prensa enviadas a los medios
      -Contacto directo con la persona responsable de Marketing para diseñar una estrategia conjunta

    Todas las recompensas desgravan entre un 30 y un 75% en tu próxima declaración de la Renta.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 1,071

    Um clamor
    • For legal persons: logo and mention as Collaborator
    • Extras pack: frames and images of the shooting
    • Handmade box and ballpoint pen by the Galician artisan Kassuario Delui in noble woods
    • Invitation to the pre-release of the short film
    • The Canibalismo book, by Marcos Abalde, 2nd edition + donation of the profits with a value of 1€ for each book to Projeto Educativo Semente
    • Original signed poster, created by the graphic designer Sol Álvarez
    • Exclusive online viewing link
    • Acknowledgments in the titles of credit

    All rewards deduct between 30 and 75% on your next income statement. This reward will cost you only between 250 and 700€

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

¡Solo faltan 12 días!

13 | 08 | 2019
¡Solo faltan 12 días!

Entramos en la recta final, y queremos daros de nuevo las gracias por el apoyo y el interés en nuestro proyecto. Estos últimos días serán duros para llegar al mínimo, pero confiamos en los esfuerzos de tod@s nosotr@s.

La foto de hoy pertenece a una entrevista que nos ha realizado el Portal Galego da Língua de mano de Laura R. Cuba, titulada [Canibalismo pretende hacer un cine de intrusión, obligarte a mirar al monstruo cara a cara]( Esperamos que sea de vuestro agrado, a pesar de lo brasas que somos (Diego, el director, en especial).

Un abrazo a todos y todas, ¡hasta pronto!


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