Cristal líquido: bienestar a través de la hidratación de los tejidos del cuerpo

Finanziato il 07 / 09 / 2015
$ 3,214
$ 2,893
$ 4,307
43 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    Note of appreciation on the DFA website and the DFA blog

    All sponsors of the Project will be noted with appreciation on the website and the DFA blog

    > 07 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 21

    Two voice files to take along on your walks and orient your attention

    You will receive one voice file that teaches you to perceive and regulate the transmission of your weight through your body into the ground and another one that helps you to perceive and regulate your breathing motions, in order to find moment to moment the best possible way to occupy your space, together with a written description of how to use them. + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 32

    Four voice files to take along on your walks and orient your attention

    You will receive one voice file that teaches you to perceive and regulate the transmission of your weight through your body into the ground and another one that helps you to perceive and regulate your breathing motions, in order to find moment to moment the best possible way to occupy your space, a third one to get to know your primary holding pattern and start to develop an alternative of more freedom of movement and responsiveness, and a fourth one about the bamboo cane that helps you find a good alignment and orientation in space, when you have to stand a while, together with a written description of how to use them. + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 43

    An orientational interview in person or via Skype

    In this interview you may ask questions as to how you could use your body in a better way and you receive basic orientation about breathing and body awareness in relationship with your physical and psychosocial environment. + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 54

    My first book

    You receive a book Con los pies en el suelo: forma del cuerpo y visión del mundo, ed. Icaria, written by yours truly + note of appreciation as a sponsor. If you don’t read Spanish, let’s talk about an alternative

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 64

    My second book

    You receive a book Respirar con árboles: el poder de la respiración y el contacto con la naturaleza, ed. Urano, written by yours truly. + note of appreciation as a sponsor. If you don’t read Spanish, let’s talk about an alternative

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 75

    One place in a walking workshop in the forest

    You can participate in a walking workshop in the forest in a reduced group in order to explore your body awareness in relationship to your physical and psychosocial environment with an experienced guide + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 86

    Both books

    You receive both books: 'Con los pies en el suelo: forma del cuerpo y visión del mundo', ed. Icaria, and 'Respirar con árboles: el poder de la respiración y el contacto con la naturaleza', ed. Urano, written by yours truly + note of appreciation as a sponsor. If you don’t read Spanish, let’s talk about an alternative

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 96

    Two places in a walking workshop in the forest

    Together with someone you invite, you can participate in a walking workshop in the forest in a reduced group in order to explore your body awareness in relationship to your physical and psychosocial environment with an experienced guide + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 107

    A private DFA session

    You receive a private session of DFA Somatic Pattern Recognition and note of appreciation as a sponsor in the DFA web and blog.

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 161

    Two private DFA sessions

    You receive two private sessions of DFA Somatic Pattern Recognition and note of appreciation as a sponsor in the DFA web and blog.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 214

    One place in one of the summer workshops

    There are three workshops: 1. How to let go of the excess of involuntary tension in your body, 2. Recognizing the traces of historic memory in your own body, 3. Finding your inner compass (Friday 2h, Saturday 6 h, Sunday 4 h = 12h)

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 268

    Presentation of the poster via video conference and note of appreciation in the next book

    For institutional sponsors: Apart from a note of appreciation on the DFA web and blog and her next book, the author will present the poster via video conference for the sponsoring organization

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 536

    Presentation of the poster at the site of the sponsor and note of appreciation in the next book

    For institutional sponsors: Apart from a note of appreciation on the DFa web and blog, the author will present the poster at a conference for the sponsoring organization (possible travel expenses apart)

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 1,071

    Workshop 6h

    A 6-hour workshop for up to 12 people in ermie or for up to 18 people in the space of the co-financier. Possible themes in

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 2,143

    Workshop 12h

    A 12-hour workshop for up to 12 people in ermie or for up to 18 people in the space of the co-financier. Possible themes in

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.

El póster, el congreso y los viajes

¡Muchas gracias a todos que dieron su apoyo para que fuera posible todo eso!

El viaje a Washington fue como una seda, llegamos a tiempo tanto el póster como yo, a punto para  el inicio del congreso. Más de 900 personas...
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Tension, Water and the Tracks of History

The last days of August… the poster about the excess of involuntary tensions and the water that keeps the tissues of our bodies supple and elastic is at the graphic designer’s… the exploration of the tracks of history in the body last weekend...

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Hydration and affinity

An excess of involuntary tension dries out the body’s tissues –muscles, connective tissues and bones. When we manage to let go of some of it, they begin to rehydrate.

To follow the invitation to present the results of my research in this...

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The traces of history in one’s own body

Why do human beings repeat things we were sure we would do differently from how our predecessors did them? Why do so many German citizens fall into the same behavior that stages, once again, probably the darkest episode of German history in the 20th...

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Auf der Spur der Geschichte im eigenen Körper

Barcelona, 21. – 23. August 2015

Wie kommt es, dass Menschen oft gerade die Dinge wiederholen, die sie eigentlich ganz anders machen wollten als ihre Vorgänger? Wie kommt es, dass so viele deutsche Bürger in das selbe...
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Four days to go

Public health would be better if health care followed this project of preventive medicine and pain treatment without undesirable side effects. Life quality would be much better for so many people. Relationships between people would be better...

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Release the tension you don't need

This little video proposes that the water in our bodies absorbs energy generated by habitual tension of muscles and connective tissues that shapes our bodies and patterns of movement and behavior and shows how to release the tension we don&rsquo...

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Conferencia en ermie

El miercoles 22 de julio a las 20 horas vamos a explicar nuestra hipótesis sobre la interacción entre la tonicidad de los músculos y tejidos conjuntivos por una parte y el agua que los hidrata por otra.

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La tensión habitual te mantiene en conflicto con el campo gravitatorio de la Tierra

Al vivir en conflicto con el campo de fuerza mayor del planeta, parece como si uno se viera enfrentado con adversarios invencibles por doquier y la vida en general se hace cuesta arriba. Unos sacan pecho y echan valor al asunto, otros se hunden...

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The elegance of a body in line with the gravitational field of Earth is easy to see

The elegance of a body in line with the gravitational field of Earth is easy to see. But for someone who has not had the experience it is hard to imagine what it feels like to be held by the greater force field of our planet, to have space...

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Reconocer las huellas de la memoria histórica en el propio cuerpo

Las experiencias traumáticas dejan rastros en el cuerpo. Si el equilibrio interno no se restaura, estos rastros se transmiten de generación en generación. Recientemente se demostró que el estr&eacute...

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Note of appreciation with link

Today is day 10 of the Liquid Crystal campaign on goteo (drop by drop). It is exciting to watch drop by drop coming in contributions, messages of support and appreciation for the initiative as well as questions from people who would like to make...

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In search of our interior architecture

Right after the welcome recpetion, there will be a free workshop with Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau with the whole movie and his explanation. Read the fold-out description in the program:...

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Fascinating fascia

A special opportunity to see fascinating images of fascia in movement is the campaign video!
Dr. Guimberteau and Endovivo Productions gave me a special permission to use some footage of their movie “Interior Architectures”, filmed with...

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feel how the motions of breathing change the pressure of your body against the surface of whatever is under you

Feel whatever is under your body, your bed, a chair, the ground... As you breathe, feel how the motions of breathing change the pressure of your body against the surface of whatever is under you. The exhale is a motion of relaxation. All the muscles...

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Balancing Myofascial Tone to Improve Tissue Hydration and Acid- Base Homeostasis

This is the abstract of the poster I am going to present, if I get the chance to go: 

Balancing Myofascial Tone to Improve Tissue Hydration and Acid-
Base Homeostasis

Thank you very much to all the sponsors!

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La fibromialgia y cómo soltar el exceso de tensión involutaria

Aquí puedes descargar un artículo, escrito por una servidora, sobre cómo soltar el exceso de tensión involuntaria en el que radica la fibromialgia.

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An opportunity to exchange experiences, data and ideas

The first Fascia Research Congress in 2007 in Boston allowed me to develop new ways of explaining the interrelationship between body and mind that help people find support in their bodies, take better care of their health and recognize and modulate...

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