Cristal líquido: bienestar a través de la hidratación de los tejidos del cuerpo

Finanziato il 07 / 09 / 2015
£ 2,564
£ 2,308
£ 3,436
43 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 9

    Note of appreciation on the DFA website and the DFA blog

    All sponsors of the Project will be noted with appreciation on the website and the DFA blog

    > 07 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 17

    Two voice files to take along on your walks and orient your attention

    You will receive one voice file that teaches you to perceive and regulate the transmission of your weight through your body into the ground and another one that helps you to perceive and regulate your breathing motions, in order to find moment to moment the best possible way to occupy your space, together with a written description of how to use them. + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 26

    Four voice files to take along on your walks and orient your attention

    You will receive one voice file that teaches you to perceive and regulate the transmission of your weight through your body into the ground and another one that helps you to perceive and regulate your breathing motions, in order to find moment to moment the best possible way to occupy your space, a third one to get to know your primary holding pattern and start to develop an alternative of more freedom of movement and responsiveness, and a fourth one about the bamboo cane that helps you find a good alignment and orientation in space, when you have to stand a while, together with a written description of how to use them. + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    An orientational interview in person or via Skype

    In this interview you may ask questions as to how you could use your body in a better way and you receive basic orientation about breathing and body awareness in relationship with your physical and psychosocial environment. + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 43

    My first book

    You receive a book Con los pies en el suelo: forma del cuerpo y visión del mundo, ed. Icaria, written by yours truly + note of appreciation as a sponsor. If you don’t read Spanish, let’s talk about an alternative

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 51

    My second book

    You receive a book Respirar con árboles: el poder de la respiración y el contacto con la naturaleza, ed. Urano, written by yours truly. + note of appreciation as a sponsor. If you don’t read Spanish, let’s talk about an alternative

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 60

    One place in a walking workshop in the forest

    You can participate in a walking workshop in the forest in a reduced group in order to explore your body awareness in relationship to your physical and psychosocial environment with an experienced guide + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 68

    Both books

    You receive both books: 'Con los pies en el suelo: forma del cuerpo y visión del mundo', ed. Icaria, and 'Respirar con árboles: el poder de la respiración y el contacto con la naturaleza', ed. Urano, written by yours truly + note of appreciation as a sponsor. If you don’t read Spanish, let’s talk about an alternative

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 77

    Two places in a walking workshop in the forest

    Together with someone you invite, you can participate in a walking workshop in the forest in a reduced group in order to explore your body awareness in relationship to your physical and psychosocial environment with an experienced guide + note of appreciation as a sponsor

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 85

    A private DFA session

    You receive a private session of DFA Somatic Pattern Recognition and note of appreciation as a sponsor in the DFA web and blog.

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 128

    Two private DFA sessions

    You receive two private sessions of DFA Somatic Pattern Recognition and note of appreciation as a sponsor in the DFA web and blog.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 171

    One place in one of the summer workshops

    There are three workshops: 1. How to let go of the excess of involuntary tension in your body, 2. Recognizing the traces of historic memory in your own body, 3. Finding your inner compass (Friday 2h, Saturday 6 h, Sunday 4 h = 12h)

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 214

    Presentation of the poster via video conference and note of appreciation in the next book

    For institutional sponsors: Apart from a note of appreciation on the DFA web and blog and her next book, the author will present the poster via video conference for the sponsoring organization

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 427

    Presentation of the poster at the site of the sponsor and note of appreciation in the next book

    For institutional sponsors: Apart from a note of appreciation on the DFa web and blog, the author will present the poster at a conference for the sponsoring organization (possible travel expenses apart)

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 855

    Workshop 6h

    A 6-hour workshop for up to 12 people in ermie or for up to 18 people in the space of the co-financier. Possible themes in

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 1,710

    Workshop 12h

    A 12-hour workshop for up to 12 people in ermie or for up to 18 people in the space of the co-financier. Possible themes in

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

Su questo progetto

For healthy living, avoid dehydrating the tissues of your body through awareness and relaxation of involuntary tensions

Bisogni Compito Minimo Ottimo
viaje a Washington
billete de avión + cuotas
£ 769
registro en el congreso
El registro es requisito indispensable + cuotas
£ 769
hotel y avituallamiento + cuotas
£ 769
posterior presentaciòn el la 10ª Conferencia sobre la Física, Química y Biología del Agua en Octubre en Bulgaria
Presentar el póster además en la Conferencia del Agua supondría un valor adicional importante + cuotas
£ 1,128
Totale £ 2,308 £ 3,436

Informazione generale

Research about a type of tissue called fascia and about improving its hydration for better health and wellbeing. This research will be presented through a poster at the 4th Fascia Research Congress in Washington DC, USA (

The poster is a format for presenting information during a scientific congress or conference. In this case, the poster presents a hypothesis based on observations I made in my practice as a practitioner of the Duggan/French Approach (DFA) for Somatic Pattern Recognition. DFA is a method that creates awareness of the shapes and forms in which we have organized our experience in the body and makes it possible to modulate them. The subject of the congress is the research of fascia, a whitish greyish substance, wrapping our muscles, bones and organs. Until quite recently it was considered inert filling material without any interest for scientific research. This is far from being true, and in the last years research has discovered many functions that are important for health and wellbeing. In the work with my clients I observe that the excess of involuntary tension in muscles and connective tissues dries these tissues out, while sometimes it may retain liquids in other areas of the body. Upon balancing their tone, hydration is improved, which is highly beneficial. Another effect of excessive tension is that the remaining hydration water becomes more acid, fostering inflammations and chronic disorders which, in turn, may become forerunners for more serious diseases like for example cancer. Moreover, the excess of involuntary tension makes tissues denser, so that rehydration becomes more difficult. Clinical observations suggest that upon balancing the tonicity of these tissues, both hydration and the acid/base homeostasis improve.

Descrizione del progetto. Caratteristiche, punti di forza e peculiarità.

The title of the poster: Balancing Myofascial Tone to Improve Tissue Hydration and Acid-Base Homeostasis.

The congress: 4th Fascia Research Congress in Washington DC, USA, September 18-20, 2015 (

The aim is to promote research in an area that may provide highly useful information for preventive medicine and effective treatment of pain and numerous chronic disorders without any undesirable side effects.

The photos and video images of fascia are courtesy of Endovivo Productions (

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Motivazione e a chi si dirige il progetto

Annie Duggan and Janie French had developed the Duggan/French Approach (DFA) together. After Janie’s death in 2001 Annie asked me to work on explaining the effect of the manual DFA intervention. About ten years ago, while I was writing an article related to the subject, all of a sudden it was as if I was standing on top of a high mountain in the middle of the night and a long-lasting lightning was lighting up a huge wide landscape all around me. Intuitively I understood something about the organization of water in the body.

In the following years I went out to study water. I talked with water researchers, listened to them and read their papers and books in order to put the knowledge that grew out of my observations in the work with my clients to the test. And I worked on finding words that would allow me to communicate what I had understood in that moment on top of the mountain.

I participated in the 7th, 8th and 9th Annual Conference on the the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water ( presenting posters in order to find out if the conclusions I had arrived at based on my clinical observations made sense to the water researchers and to improve my understanding of water dynamics in tissue hydration.

I published two articles based on those posters ( and

Due to these articles I received an invitation to present an abstract for a poster in the upcoming Fascia Research Congress. My proposal was accepted. I am very happy about that because I consider DFA Somatic Pattern Recognition to be a valuable contribution to a respectful healthcare, beneficial both for individuals and society as a whole, as DFA promotes awareness of the body, movement and behavior in relationship to the physical and psychosocial environment. Therefore individuals gain the ability to self-regulate and generate wellbeing. In this sense it also makes a positive contribution to the common good.

Even though in the first place the poster addresses the participants at the congress, i.e. a professional public, the benefits resulting from researching water dynamics in tissue hydration will have a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of the general public.

(First image: An excess of tension pulls the different parts of this runner’s body into different directions
Second image: With a balanced tone, all the parts of his body work together to get him to the aim as fast as possible.)


Obiettivi della campagna di crowdfunding

  • Research of water dynamics in interaction with the proteins of muscles and connective tissues (fasciae)
  • Highlight the organism’s exquisite sensitivity and responsiveness due to the coherent organization of the water hydrating the tissues of the body (fascia as a sense organ, independently of the fact that a huge number of nerve endings are found in fascia)
  • A deeper understanding of the cooperation between the nervous system and the transmission of signals though coherently ordered water
  • A contribution towards a satisfactory, happy and coherent life for more people who gain the knowledge that allows them to self-regulate and generate wellbeing
  • A contribution towards peaceful and prosperous co-existence in the collective of all living beings, due to the knowledge that makes it possible to recognize one’s own place in the whole of life.

Esperienza previa e team

The poster is based on the experience of 27 years of work as a DFA practitioner and 18 years as an instructor of DFA practitioners. As a team that backs up my project I can name Annie B. Duggan, co-creator of the Duggan/French Approach together with Janie French, who passed away in 2001, Mónica Extremiana, DFA practitioner who shares the studio where we both work, my husband Jaume Saladrigas Cussons and the collective of DFA practitioners in Spain, the USA and Mexico, although the elaboration and presentation of the poster will be my responsibility alone.

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