De otra manera: ideas sostenibles para todos

Archiviato il 23 / 01 / 2013
$ 379
$ 2,992
$ 5,984
9 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    website thanks

    Special thanks for the launch of our website

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 32

    Fairtrade silk scarf or bag

    Fair Trade scarf or bag to choose between "fulares de comercio justo (Vietnam)" presented in this website: A Special gift for this Xmas!

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 48

    Fairtrade silk top

    Fair trade silk top, to choose between "Ropa de seda salvaje de comercio justo (India)" presented in this website:

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 69

    2 fairtrade silk products

    2 Fair Trade products to choose between: Bag, scarf or silk top (see above links for more details)

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 96

    Article of your business

    Business article on our website: Article with history, description, location and pictures. It can be a restaurant, a shop, a brand, an ecotourism center, etc. Whenever you have an ethical component: social, ecological, artisanal/handcraft production, etc..

    > 01 Co-finanziatori

Su questo progetto

Lifestyle Web Portal that offers to everyone socially responsible alternatives, while enjoying small pleasures as well as tricks to make life easier

Bisogni Compito Minimo Ottimo
Finishiing the Website
Finishing the last settings of web design, testing, adding the lasts fields
$ 940
Add Relevant web content
Glossary of all socially responsible terms and creating numerous socially responsible alternative tokens (with or without money) by geographic area: to live, to work, to relax and learn, to help (yourself and each other), etc ... Having a team for content by geographical area
$ 2,992
Bisogni Infrastruttura Minimo Ottimo
Web Content
Conduct interviews and videos to fill the web content in all sections. Improve directory entities (restaurants, shops, etc ...)
$ 1,923
Bisogni Materiale Minimo Ottimo
Tools for the web portal presentation: brochures, etc ... and work materials
$ 128
Totale $ 2,992 $ 5,984

Informazione generale

We all want to do something, to contribute our bit.


Because we don't know where to start, it's sounds complicated, we don't know where to go, or we don't fully understand many "ethical" concepts... And maybe because we simply don't want to change our lives completely.
To help alleviate this problem, we decided to create De Otra Manera (Otherwise in Spanish).

DE Otra Manera will be a lifestyle web portal that will propose socially responsible alternatives while enjoying small pleasures and tricks to make your life easier.

In just 3 clicks you can:

  • Buy clothing or ethical products (and learn more about the brand of these products),
  • See sustainable/ green job or work opportunities,
  • Having a step by step tips or "do it yourself" , as well as healthy recipes
  • Understand how ethical tool works (collaborative consumption, ethical loans, etc)
  • Getting leisure alternatives with sustainable component (ecotourism, courses, etc ...)

All this following concept of "Well-Nice-Cheap", adapted to your everyday life.

Descrizione del progetto. Caratteristiche, punti di forza e peculiarità.

The main sections are based on what we care about in our daily lives:

  • Living (eating, skin care, clothing, children)
  • Work (Sustainable Employment, how to set up a business, and extra money opportunities)
  • Relax and Learn (courses and activities, crafts & Do It Yourself, ecotourism)
  • Help (Yourself and the others, with or without money, emotionally or acting/participating)

The contents of the website is intended to counteract the perceived main weaknesses against the Spanish socially responsible alternatives , that hamper their use or consumption: Ignorance, location/proximity and price (Magrama, 2012).

Unlike other websites, the project's goal is primarily to help people to make choices and implement socially responsible in their current life. Therefore, the content will never be vindicatory but positive, informative and very affordable/simple.


Motivazione e a chi si dirige il progetto

Why only 1% of the food we buy is organic, when Spain is the 1st European producer?
Why half the population does not understand responsible consumption?
How can we become more responsible when ou major concern is the economical crisis?

These are the motivations for launching the web De Otyra Manera: Facilitating access of socially responsible activities, adapted to the way of life of most of us. In addition, this project aims to demystify all the tools of socially responsible actions.

The project also aims to make each of us contribute our grain of sand, step by step, according to our interests and daily worries by offering very simple and affordable alternatives.

In addition, the website offers the chance to promote business / brands / products with ethical, social or environmental components. By this, it gives the possibility to reach new clients the company or Ngo would never had otherwise, as it is very difficult to get information on companies in this niche market without being a "100% eco-citizen".


Obiettivi della campagna di crowdfunding

  • Implement consumer alternatives, work and play in the daily lives of the Spanish population,

  • To encourage consumption, work and leisure with ecological and / or social components

  • Educate about socially responsible terms and activities,

  • Teaching tools to make life easier for individuals and groups.

Esperienza previa e team

Stephany, project manager, has the following experience according to the project needs (personal website

Training / Education: Working since 2001 to adapt complex concepts to the general public through specific recognized techniques,

Editorial: Experience as editor of articles on various websites, on social issues such as microcredits, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Business, etc ...

Technology / Web: Works from 2001 on technology / web subjets, as CRM / ERP trainer and as a bridge between general users and the technical part. Besides she also have been working on own web pages like the Khoah shop website, the NGO Khoah website, personal page, etc ... Being able to work together and with the technical support / website support mentioned below.

Commercial: Different sales working experienceas promotion and premium Manager, in trade, retail, etc ...

Entrepreneurship: Stephany has since 1996 working on different personal projects or as consultant
1996: individual project on "Youth in Israel: Union and Discord", awarded by UNESCO and the former. French Prime Minister.
2000: Head of a feasibility study, presented to the best Junior Enterprise project in the region in France
2001-2003: Responsible for the training and change management in CRM
2003-2006: Responsible for various web projects / customer satisfaction, etc ... in Nike EMEA and Nike Iberia
2006: Creating her own social enterprise Sh. Aolam S.L.
2007: Creation of the NGO Khoah
2009-2010: Project of creation of an Organic Cotton Supply Chain in Nepal funded by the Eroski Foundation
2011-2012: consulting projects for a microcredit institution in Bosnia Herzegovina.


In addition, technical support people have been working independently as consultants or Company owner for websites projects.

Franck Dano: Agence13 Company since 2006
Manuel Garcia Ruiz de Leon: Consultant / Director of Drupal websites since 2008 for different entities (social and non-social: Abacus, Axel Springer, etc ...)
Florian Fournier: Designer with the company Simplifly since 2011.

Impegno sociale