Escuela libre de Soria

Finanziato il 01 / 02 / 2013
£ 3,793
£ 2,955
£ 4,382
89 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 8

    name in the list of thanks and acknowledgements en the project’s web page.

    Your name will appear in the list of thanks and acknowledgements en the project’s web page.

    > 09 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 17

    Bookmarkers, badge and packet of pencils.

    You will receive the above items, as well as being acknowledged as in the previous gifts.

    > 10 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 25

    shoulder bag and information bulletin.

    As well as being automatically subscribed to our information bulletin (via email),you will receive a specially designed shoulder bag, plus the items in previous gifts..

    > 15 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    Day visit

    Come and get to know our project, visiting our school, and sharing lunch with us! You will also receive a subscription to our online bulletin, the full range of gifts listed above, and an acknowledgement as in the first gift.

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 42

    course discount and invitation to visit the school

    You will be eligible to a discount of 10 euros for any of the courses that we offer, as well as receiving an invitation to come and see our school when convenient. You will also receive all the previous gifts.

    > 10 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 85

    Entry to a one-day course

    You will be eligible to attend a full day’s workshop / course, which will include lunch and snacks. You will also be invited to visit the school on a convenient date, and you will be acknowledged as in the first gift.

    > 07 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 211

    Entry to a weekend course.

    You will be eligible to attend a weekend workshop / course (ie, Friday evening to Sunday), which will include:
    accommodation and all meals. You will also be invited to visit the school on a convenient date, and will be acknowledged as in the first gift.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 423

    personal advice and set of educational material

    Personal advice during a course, set of Montessori educational material, visit to the school plus access to a weekend course /workshop, and acknowledgement as in the first gift.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

Nuevo nombre, nueva imagen

24 | 04 | 2013
Nuevo nombre, nueva imagen

No paramos de trabajar en el proyecto,construyendo materiales educativos, elaborando una web, preparando las jornadas sobre educación libre que tendrán lugar los días 8, 10 y 11 de Mayo en el Casino La Amistad de Soria que incluye la jornada de formación de un día.
Y prontito llegarán vuestras recompensas, están tardando más de lo que nosotros hubiesemos deseado ya que tenemos muchos frentes abiertos.
También hemos estado buscado un nombre que nos represente y hemos decidido llamarnos "Papoula, espacio de pedagogía libre"
Papoula significa Amapola en portugués y en gallego y para nosotros representa vitalidad, alegría, espontaneidad y libertad.
En la imagen podéis ver nuestro nuevo logo, esperamos que os guste


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