Haití, los otros terremotos en 210 años y 1460 días

Finanziato il 31 / 01 / 2014
£ 4,324
£ 3,888
£ 5,594
131 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 8

    Acknowledgment at the blog, exhibit and book

    Acknowledgment of your collaboration at the blog, photography exhibit and book (printed and ebook)

    > 23 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 13

    Acknowledgment + 1 printed photography size 13x17

    Acknowledgment of your collaboration at the blog, photography exhibit and book (printed and ebook) plus a printed photography size 13x17

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 21

    Acknowledgment + 3 printed photographies size 13X17

    Acknowledgment of your collaboration at the blog, photography exhibit and book (printed and ebook) plus three printed photography size 13x17

    > 13 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 30

    Printed book + all of the above

    Printed book, cknowledgment of your collaboration at the blog, photography exhibit and book (printed and ebook) plus three printed photography size 13x17

    > 40 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 42

    2 printed books + all of the above

    2 units of printed book, acknowledgment of your collaboration at the blog, photography exhibit and book (printed and ebook) plus three printed photography size 13x17

    > 09 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 63

    Skype chat + all of the above

    Printed book, acknowledgment of your collaboration at the blog, photography exhibit and book (printed and ebook) plus three printed photography size 13x17, plus a conversation on skype with the author

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 68

    Article or report presentation for media/newsletter

    Article or report exclusive for media (printed or internet) or newsletter (for media and organisations)

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 84

    Solidarity donation

    Spacial acknowledgment at the blog, exhibition and book (electronic and printed)

    > 10 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 127

    Book presentation

    Book presentation in your organisation or collective space (for organisations)

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 296

    Book presentation + exhibition

    Book presentation and photography exhibit in your organisation or collective space (for organisations)

    > 01 Co-finanziatori

Seguim! / ¡Seguimos!

13 | 03 | 2014
Seguim! / ¡Seguimos!

Hola a totes

Malgrat la breu absència el projecte "Haití, els altres terratrèmols" segueix endavant. Podeu anar seguint en el bloc els nous articles que es van publicant http://haitiotrosterremotos.info/lang/es/

En breu enviaré una actualització del pressupost i calendari a totes les persones que han col·laborat en el projecte a través de Goteo.org i d'altres vies, i aquelles que han mostrat interès. A partir d'ara les comunicacions les faré, per no duplicar enviaments , a través d'una llista de contactes a Mailchimp. En aquest sentit poseu-vos en contacte amb mi si voleu seguir rebent informació (els i les mecenes la rebran per defecte) a través del mail ifresnillo @ riseup.net (sense espais).

Seguim en contacte!!


Hola a todas

A pesar de la breve ausencia el proyecto "Haití, los otros terremotos" sigue adelante. Podéis ir siguiendo en el Blog los nuevos artículos que se van publicando http://haitiotrosterremotos.info/lang/es/

En breve enviaré una actualización del presupuesto y calendario a todas las personas que han colaborado en el proyecto a través de Goteo.org y de otras vías, y aquellas que han mostrado interés. A partir de ahora las comunicaciones las haré, para no duplicar envíos, a través de una lista de contactos en MailChimp. En este sentido poneros en contacto conmigo si queréis seguir recibiendo información (los y las mecenas la recibirán por defecto) a través del mail ifresnillo @ riseup.net (sin espacios).

¡Seguimos en contacto!



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