La recta a España

Immagine di intestazione
Vedere video
Finanziato il 19 / 10 / 2014
$ 1,664
$ 1,657
$ 2,480
27 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 5

    Thank you trough social media + signed wallpaper

    We will thank you in our social media. You will be able to download our exclusives wallpaper from our blog.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    Thank you through social media + "A straight line across Spain" dedicated picture

    You will be sent a dedicated picture that you choose from our blog in A4 size.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 21

    "A straight line acroos Spain" documentary

    We will send you a copy of the documentary with more pictures and videos from the backstage

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 32

    "A straight line across Spain" t-shirt

    You will get your exclusive t-shirt "A straight line across Spain" with the quote of the day.
    (Each day there will be a phrase of our experiences, and will be stamped next to the logo in the t-shirt).

    > 11 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 214


    Being the co-producer of the documentary "The Straight to Spain"

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 534

    Lolo's bike

    The bicycle brand "Orbea" dragged by Lolo during the tour.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

Su questo progetto

From "joyo aceite" route to the "pan tumaca" one

Bisogni Infrastruttura Minimo Ottimo
We need to eat right to have energy for the long journey
$ 321
To promote rest and save time searching for accommodation. Can invest in to report information to the blog and creating videos. Achieved with total financing we can save crowdfunding through collaborations and / or in-kind donations will be donated to the Spanish Association of People Affected by Epilepsy Grave (APEMSI).
$ 534
Bisogni Compito Minimo Ottimo
Tracking routes
We need positioning devices for the description and development of all routes and hiking guide.
$ 160
Production of the movie
Production of audiovisual material.
$ 428
Tracking routes
Purchase of GPS / Glonass positioning for more accurate trackings
$ 53
Editing movie
Publication of the movie
$ 289
Bisogni Materiale Minimo Ottimo
Fixing and repair bike
Purchase of equipment and tuning bikes for long distances
$ 214
Additonal costs
Fees and cost of the rewards
$ 481
Totale $ 1,657 $ 2,480

Informazione generale

This is a socio-cultural project which incorporates sport, adventure, the country-side, places and people. According to the great philosopher and orator, Seneca, “there is no good wind for someone who doesn’t know where they’re going”. Well, our goal is to complete a journey that will join the small town of Alcala la Real in Jaen province with the great city of Barcelona. On our way we will gather information that will help future adventurers enjoy this historic route.

Our itinerary begins in the border town of Alcala la Real and follows the road, GR/7E4, to Alcoy, in Alicante. From there we will proceed to the coast following the paths we find through the Costa Blanca, Valencia, Azahar, Dorada and Garraf.

Descrizione del progetto. Caratteristiche, punti di forza e peculiarità.

Whilst undertaking this project we will document the stories and adventures that occur as we cover the distance of over a thousand kilometers that separate Alcala la Real and Barcelona. We will make a video and create an on-line guide of our route to share our knowledge across the social networks (creative commons).

twitter @larecta2014
youtube La recta España


Motivazione e a chi si dirige il progetto

Two young sportsmen, two bicycles and one objective – to trace a line on the skin of the Iberian Peninsula which will unite a town in the south with a city in the east. This journey is going to challenge our personal abilities, but will also put to the test our physical strength.

Today many of the paths we’ll take are just marked on maps as mere shortcuts that link villages and hamlets. We will add two things: firstly, a sports element, that is a new route for touring cyclists for those who like to mix tourism and sport and secondly, a cultural dimension as on our way we will mix with the locals and document their stories. We will show the way for others who are keen to find a new, alternative route across Spain on a bicycle and get to know the places on the GR7/E4 and the GR92.


Obiettivi della campagna di crowdfunding

Through our crowdfunding campaign we hope to cover all our expenses, which will include maintaining the bicycles, accommodation, food and the GPS whilst doing the trip and afterwards the cost of producing the planned video. Along the way we expect to keep our costs low as we know the Spanish are hospitable people and we will accept the offer of a bed or plate of food! Any money left over will be donated to The Spanish Association for those Affected by Epilepsy (APEMSI).


Esperienza previa e team

The team consists of Alberto Ruiz and Lolo Caño. Alberto is a licensed sports trainer and Lolo is a physicist and we are both passionate about sports and new experiences. We have spent years training and playing sports and over the years have become ever more conscious of the power of sport to transform lives and build bridges between different cultures. The creation of this documentary will unite the great qualities of sacrifice, collaboration and perseverance that sport generates with the values of responsible tourism. All this makes the project perfect to share with the public.

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