
Finanziato il 31 / 01 / 2014
$ 3,884
$ 2,818
$ 3,943
82 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11


    We will recognize your help through a mention on our Facebook page and our website :)

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 21

    Postcards of the event

    Digital Postcards with professional photographs from the event, the region, the people and activities + an acknowledgment by email and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 20 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 37

    Donate a plant with your name or your friends name

    You will be part of the reforestation of the farm. With your support we will grow a plant, which will have a plate with your name or your friends name as a gift. We will take care so you or your friend will always be with us. You will receive a picture with the plant and name + an email with greetings and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 26 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 54

    Donate a tree with your name or your friends name

    You will be part of the reforestation of the farm. With your support we will grow a native tree, which will have a plate with your name or your friends name as a gift. We will take care so you or your friend will always be with us. You will receive a picture with the tree and name + an email with greetings and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 21 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 161

    The best Colombian coffee

    Since the event is in the coffee region of Colombia, you will receive 250gr in grain of the best coffees in the world, bio-produced by local farmers + an email with greetings for your contribution and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 214

    Poncho and Colombian coffee

    Risaralda is famous for its coffee and its beautiful embroidered ponchos. Ponchos are a typical garment of farmers in the region, they show it proudly and it is very comfortable to stay at home or for garden work :) Receive a Poncho + 250g grain, one of the best bio-coffees in the world produced by local farmers + an acknowledgment by email and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 321

    Video with a dedication to you

    We will make a video just for you !!! All participants will thank you virtually for your great support in a beautiful video with a dedication to your name. So, get this beautiful video + 250g grain of one of the best coffees in the world, bio-produced by local farmers in the region + an acknowledgment by email and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

Gracias a tu apoyo logramos el primer MinkaLab 2014 / Thanks to your help we achieved the first MinkaLab 2014

Eng below//

Gracias a tu apoyo, el encuentro MinkaLab fue todo un éxito.
Tuvimos la oportunidad de contar con más de 65 participantes de diferentes partes del mundo, diferentes culturas y saberes, más de 30 talleres, conferencias...

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The trees came, Llegaron los arboles

Thanks to all our co-finances.
Gracias a todas las co-financiadoras del encuentro MinkaLab.

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Video Streaming sobre el proyecto MinkaLab, en Español

Este 8 de Dic. 2013 con algunas de las iniciadoras y participantes nos reunimos vía streaming para hablar sobre el proyecto MinkaLab y su estado actual. En el video respondemos algunas de las preguntas y aclaramos muchos de los puntos del encuentro.

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100% of the minimum :)

English bellow//

Estimadas amigas, cofinanciadores y compañeros/ras del encuentro MinkaLab. Gracias a todas ustedes y su gran contribución hemos llegado el 100% del presupuesto mínimo y vamos por el optimo.

El encuentro MinkaLab...

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Video conferencia informativa en Español. 08.12.2013

Video conferencia informativa en Español.

Si estás interesado/a en conocer más sobre la historia de MinkaLab, el contexto, la región, el desarrollo del evento, la documentación y archivo, los recientes avances de MinkaLab o si tienes...

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Video conference about the MinkaLab project in English. 08/12/2013

If you are interested in learning more about the history of MinkaLab, the context, the region, the development of the event, documentation and archiving, recent advances or have questions or suggestions, join us at the meeting Online this...

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MinkaLab Noticias / News

For English please scroll down

!!!! :) Vamos en el 96% del presupuesto mínimo gracias a tu apoyo y al de todos los cofinanciadores, ya MinkaLab es una realidad :) !!!!

1) Avances.
2) Apóyanos con tu red de amigos...

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Regala una planta o árbol con tu nombre o el de un amigo/a // A tree or plant with your name or your friends name.

Album in

Regala una planta o árbol con tu nombre o el de un amigo/a.
A tree or plant with your name or your friends name.


Eng bellow//

Estos son los nombres...

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Pueblo -Town Santa Rosa de Cabal

English below.

Estimadas amigas/os, gracias a su apoyo vamos en el 78% del mínimo :) vamos muy bien.

Este es un video que hicimos del pueblo Santa Rosa de Cabal - Colombia. El evento MinkaLab se va a desarrollar cerca a este lindo...

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Video granja Minkalab

Great video of the Minka Lab farm.
Video de la granja Minka Lab.

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Hermoso video de la granja MinkaLab

Un video corto de la granja MinkLab.

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01 Commenti

Día 37 Day 37

  • scroll down for english -

Estimadas amigas, poco a poco vamos avanzando pero necesitamos su constante apoyo con nuevas ideas que ayuden a darle una mayor difusión a la campaña.
Escribe tu comentario o escríbenos a nuestro...

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Bienvenido / Welcome

Muchas gracias por ayudarnos a que este encuentro se haga realidad :)

Thank you very much for helping us to make this event a reality :)

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