Música Maestro

Immagine di intestazione
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Finanziato il 24 / 02 / 2017
Missione compiuta!
£ 3,100
£ 2,489
£ 3,529
66 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 4

    Our most sincere gratidude

    Everyone that contributes to make Música Maestro come true, will receive our most sincere gratitude. :)

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 8

    Tutorial to create recycled percussion instruments (PDF)

    You will receive a tutorial to learn how to create recycled percussion instruments in the classroom with your students (PDF format). In addition, you will also receive the final report explaining how the project Música Maestro was developed.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 17

    Tutorial to build a Bottle Marimba (pdf) + Everything listed above

    You will receive a tutorial to build a Bottle Marimba, which is an instrument made with glass bottles filled with water. The manual is a practical guide to learn how to build this instrument in the classroom with your students (PDF format).

    In addition, you will also receive the tutorial to learn how to create recycled percussion instruments in the classroom with your students (PDF format), and the final report explaining how the project Música Maestro was developed.

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 25

    Tutorial to build a Pipe Instrument (PDF) + Everything listed above

    You will receive a tutorial to build a Pipe Instrument, which is an instrument made with PVC pipes. The manual includes the formulas to calculate the length of the tubes according to their thickness, and the explanation of how the formulas work (PDF format).

    In addition, you will also receive the tutorial to build a Bottle Marimba, the tutorial to create recycled percussion instruments in the classroom with your students, and the final report explaining how the project Música Maestro was developed (all in PDF format).

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    Tutorial to introduce young instrument students to creativity and improvisation (PDF) + Everything listed above

    You will receive a tutorial to learn improvisation games and exercices to introduce young instrument students to creativity and improvisation (PDF format).

    In addition, you will also receive, the tutorial to build a Pipe Instrument, the tutorial to build a Bottle Marimba, the tutorial to create recycled percussion instruments, and the final report explaining how the project Música Maestro was developed (all in PDF format).

    > 09 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 51

    A photo signed by the children (printed) + All teaching tools (PDF format)

    You will recieve in your mail a printed photo of the kids participating in the music project, decorated and signed by them.

    You will also recieve in your e-mail all the digital files:

    -A tutorial to learn improvisation games and exercices to introduce young instrument students to creativity and improvisation (PDF format).

    -A tutorial to build a Pipe Instrument made with PVC tubes (PDF format).

    -A tutorial to build a Bottle Marimba, a music instrument made with recycled glass bottles filled with water (PDF format).

    -A tutorial to create recycled percussion instruments in your classroom (PDF format).

    -The final report explaining how the project Música Maestro was developed (PDF format).

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 85

    A photo signed by the children (printed) + All teaching tools (printed)

    You will recieve to your home all our teching tools in printed format. That includes:

    -A tutorial to learn improvisation games and exercices to introduce young instrument students to creativity and improvisation.

    -A tutorial to build a Pipe Instrument made with PVC tubes.

    -A tutorial to build a Bottle Marimba, a music instrument made with recycled glass bottles filled with water.

    -A tutorial to create recycled percussion instruments in your classroom.

    -The final report explaining how the project Música Maestro was developed.

    You will recieve a printed photo of the kids participating in the music project, decorated and signed by them.

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 169

    Personal video performance by the children (digital delivery)

    The children of the project are going to sing a song dedicated just for you. :) The video will be unique and personal, and we will send it to your email.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
Our 2nd round in Goteo will be over soon. Click here and follow the last details.
A million thanks to everyone! We keep crowdfunding in a 2nd round to achieve our optimum goal!
Almost, almost there... How will this campaign end? Click here and meet the donors who already support us.
Tic-tac, key minute to support us through Goteo this week. We need you!
Great! Minimum funding goal accomplished! Thanks to all of you who supported and spread our campaign in Goteo!
100% is nearly achieved! We are almost there, thank you!
Already 20 days of campaign in Goteo and still a world ahead. Who could also help with this? (click here).
Half way to our goal!

Apoyando la comunidad de Los Guineos

El proyecto educativo Música Maestro forma parte de un proyecto comunitario más grande llamado Proyecto Social La Cuchilla. Fue impulsado hace más de 10 años por Anna Maria Ollé, cooperante catalana que hace...

[Continua a leggere]

Creando instrumentos reciclados

Con el proyecto Música Maestro los niños y maestros aprenden a hacer sus propios instrumentos y a experimentar con el sonido de los objetos cotidianos. Como dice el proverbio chino: "Dame un pez y cenaré esta noche...

[Continua a leggere]
It's been a week since we're campaigning in Goteo. Do you know who's our target?
We need support in Goteo to achieve these goals (click here!)
This is what we want to do and these is who we are.
20% of our funding goal is over! great!
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!