Obrador quesero para una granja familiar sostenible

Immagine di intestazione
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Finanziato il 25 / 03 / 2018
£ 9,771
£ 8,464
£ 13,034
146 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 4

    Love is payed with love!

    THANK YOU! We'll hug the sheep, massage their necks and scratch their ears for you. And, if you wish for it, we'll send them a message in your name.

    > 10 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 8

    Behind the scene.

    THANK YOU! You're all cordially invited to Circus – Granja Familiar whenever your tight schedule allows you. You'll be able to dedicate yourself to learning the who's, how's, when's and where's of the 'Sheep-life'.

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 13

    Música, queso y tertulia

    ¡Recompensa apta para hipsters y amantes de la naturaleza de postal!
    En Circus recompensaremos tu donación con una jornada compartida con artistas locales (música, performance e intervenciones plásticas) mientras pruebas nuestro queso maridado con sidra.

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 17

    Take us with you!

    THANK YOU! By either delivery or come to pick up at the farm, you can get your Circus - Granja Familiar tote bag so as to take us with you every day remembering that you are a fundamental piece in the realization of this project.

    *We pay the shipping fees inside de UE.
    **If you come to visit us, we'll invite you to a cup of thyme infusion while you see the way we work.

    > 21 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 25

    Queso sin beso

    Sin paseos y directo al grano: pasa por Circus - Granja Familiar a recoger 1/4 de queso de leche cruda de oveja con una maduración mínima de 3 meses.

    > 11 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    Sheep shepherd's test drive.

    THANK YOU! Draw your life path while walking and join us in half day of theatre-free sheepherding. Put on your worn out shoes, prepare a backpack with water and your favorite picnic, open up your eyes and bring along the willingness to disconnect from the dairy hustle and bustle.
    Take 1/4kg of raw sheep milk cheese to enjoy your well-deserved rest.

    > 09 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 51

    Tasty rute.

    THANK YOU! We invite you to meet Circus - Granja Familiar when your senses guide you towards us searching for artisanal sheepmilk cheese. Sniff around the sheep logistics and carry half kilo matured raw milksheep cheese.

    *If you can't come, we pay the shipping fees inside Spain and Balearics.

    > 11 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 51


    THANK YOU! Escape from the cities constipated rhythm and wake up your ancestral instinct by spending half day sheepherding around the catalan forest. On your way out, don't forget to grab your Circus - Granja Familiar 2019 calendar!

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 76

    Where there's a wish, there's a way.

    THANK YOU! Dare yourself to some off-road sheepherding in the depths of Les Guilleries. Alongside the herd we'll walk around a natural environment that wraps up your soul and feeds your senses. You don't need to bring a safari costume, online a backpack with water and food to refuel.
    Don't take the road back home without grabbing half kilo matured sheep milk cheese!

    > 07 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 76

    Reading and herding, lots of understanding!

    THANK YOU! We know, times flies by and walking around gravel roads can be tough: don't you worry! Come to meet us at Circus - Granja Familiar, we'll talk about ruminants and forests, about cheese and land. Take a rest, inhale, share our cheese with us and on the way out take the book "Formatges dels Pirineus" dedicated and signed by its author's Laia Pont and Natalia Nicolau.

    > 09 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 102

    Barcelona gourmet

    Las calles de Barcelona te enamoran, su comercio de proximidad alimenta tus días y descubrir quesos producidos y ofrecidos como pequeñas joyas te regocija el alma: he aquí tu recompensa.

    Una cata para DOS PERSONAS en la FORMATGERIA 12 GRAUS de Barcelona. *

    *Una donación equivale a 1 cata para 2 personas. Fecha a convenir con la Formatgeria.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 127

    Comfort zone

    THANK YOU! Relaxed, come and treat yourself to a forest treatment with the herd. Spend a day roleplaying as a shepherd. Stalk your backpack with water and nourishing food, put on adequate footwear and discover that busy life also exists outside the subway.
    Attention! Don't leave behind your 65 x 30cm sheep skin rug when leaving!

    *If you can't come, we pay the shipping fees inside EU.

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 423

    Common sense sponsor.

    Circus - Granja Familiar emeritus sponsor! THANK YOU! Treat yourself to a herding day with us. When leaving take a complete farming batch: a 65 x 30cm sheep skin rug, 1 kilo raw sheep milk madurated cheese, Circus - Granja Familiar 2019 calendar and the farms tote bag. We will record your name on a sheep's cowbell!

    *We pay for the shipping fees inside de EU.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 846

    You get what you give.

    Circus super godfather! THANK YOU! Come to visit us when your body asks for a break. Doors are open and sheep are focused. Your generosity we'll be rewarded with all the herding days you wish, a big sheep skin rug (90 x 70cm), the farm's 2019 calendar and our tote bag. When its lambing time and nice weather stands on our side, we'll share a lamb barbecue at home. We will record your name on a sheep's cowbell!

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
Our 2nd round in Goteo will be over soon. Click here and follow the last details.

Informació recompenses!


Si heu fet una donació que inclou pasturar amb el ramat però us estimeu més venir a veure què fem aquests dies de parts, aviseu que sou benvinguts!

Penseu que els parts van agrupats i (els propers...

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We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
100% of the minimum achieved, it's a total joy! Thank you!
Excitement! 3 last days left to donate in Goteo. See who already did it (click here).

¡¡Falta MUY poco!! / Falta MOLT poc!!

¡¡GRACIAS colaboradores!! A solo 4 días de alcanzar la primera meta ya sólo faltan poco más de 500€.



GRÀCIES COL.LABORADORS!! Falten només 4 dies per assolir el primer objectiu i falten...

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Very close to our funding goal in Goteo, donation after donation!
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
Will we make it? One week left and we still need to achieve the minimum goal!
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!

¿Nos ayudás a difundir? Ens ajudes a difondre?

¡Se acerca la fecha límite para alcanzar el mínimo necesario para poder seguir en campaña!

¿Nos ayudas a difundir y así dar a conocer nuestro proyecto?

A partir del 10.20 del video del enlace explicamos brevemente para TV GIRONA de qué...

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Quiénes somos

Gente que colabora con nuestro crowdfunding:

Están la familia, los amigos, aquellos que nos entregan el voto de confianza que sostienen las ilusiones compartidas.

Están los emprendedores, aquellos que habiendo experimentado la dureza...

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Getting here has merit: 50% of the funding goal is over!

¡ Cuenta regresiva !

GRACIAS colaboradores, con sus donaciones nos animan a seguir con este trabajo de hormiga diario.

Pasamos ya media campaña y estamos rozando la mitad del dinero necesario. ¡Pero aún nos faltan muchas donaciones!

Desde CIRCUS agradecemos...

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¿Cómo colaborar con el proyecto?

A 21 días para acabar la campaña te estarás preguntando: Si ya hice una donación, ¿de qué otra manera puedo ayudar?


La memoria virtual es corta y a diario todos estamos repletos de preocupaciones así que es lícito ser...

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¡¡ Alcanzamos los 4000 !!

Es viernes y una nuevo empuje de confianza entra en la granja: ¡ gracias a todas las donaciones alcanzamos los 4000€!

No nos desconcentramos, aún nos quedan 25 días de campaña para alcanzar nuestro objetivo.

Buen fin de semana...

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¡10 días de colaboración exitosa!

¡¡GRACIAS!! ¡A todos quienes ya forman parte de este proyecto!

Gracias a la difusión y a las donaciones, a 10 días de haber empezado la campaña, vamos bien encaminados.
¡Pero no podemos bajar la guardia! Todavía nos queda un largo camino...

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It's been week now we launched our campaign. Find our reasons here (click).
We need support in Goteo to achieve these goals (click here!)

Los retos

No fue sencillo plasmar esta campaña, se conjugaron múltiples factores:

  • Mi incapacidad de resumen
  • Nuestra verborragia apasionada en relación a nuestro trabajo
  • La brecha existente entre quienes producimos alimentos y, muchos...
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Would you like to know more about our campaign? Here we go
Our campaigns starts moving but there's still a way ahead and it is all-or-nothing!

Send some love

Watch the video and remember it's Friday, a beautiful day for collaboration!

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¡ B I E N V E N I D O S !

Defender un modelo alimentario es sostener un sistema de producción, una forma de vida, una red de comercio en particular.
Hoy estrenamos nuestro micromecenazgo para darle la vuelta a los discursos basados en "ya no se consiguen alimentos como...

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Wow! A donation of €1,000 to our campaign in Goteo, many thanks!
First few donations, thanks! :)