Projecte Paramythádes

Finanziato il 28 / 07 / 2016
$ 7,748
$ 4,298
$ 12,133
195 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    Gratitude to the coufounders 10

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 36 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 22

    Gratitude to the cofounders 20

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 62 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 44

    Gratitude to the cofounders 40

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 54

    Gratitude to the cofounders 50

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 20 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 76

    Gratitude to the cofounders 70

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 109

    Gratitude to the cofounders 100

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 218

    Gratitude to the cofounders 200

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 544

    Gratitude to the cofounders 500

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori


28 | 07 | 2016

Moltes gràcies a tots els que heu col·laborat, el Projecte Paramythades és una realitat gràcies a vosaltres, marxem cap a Grècia la setmana que ve, us mantindrem informats!

Muchas gracias a todos los que habéis colaborado, el Proyecto Paramythades es una realidad gracias a vosotros, nos vamos a Grecia la próxima semana, os mantendremos informados!

Thank you all for your cooperation, Project Paramythades is a reality thanks to you, we are going to Greece next week, we'll keep you informed!


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