Poble Rebel

Immagine di intestazione
Vedere video
Finanziato il 04 / 03 / 2017
€ 15.133
€ 8.000
€ 13.700
280 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 10

    Bring to life 5 seconds of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 1 DVD

    > 94 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 20

    Bring to life 10 seconds of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 1 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary

    > 57 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 30

    Bring to life 15 seconds of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 2 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 1 ticket for the documentary screening

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 35

    Fes realitat 20 segons del documental!

    Formar part de la llista de correu + aparició als títols de crèdit + pack de lectures i manuals en format digital relacionats amb la temàtica del documental + 1 DVD + 1 pòster del documental + 1 entrada per la presentació del documental + 1 samarreta oficial del documental.

    > 26 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 50

    Bring to life half a minute of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 2 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 2 tickets for the documentary screening

    > 42 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 100

    Bring to life 1 minute of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 3 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 3 tickets for the documentary screening + merchandising pack. This pack contains promotional material from the various collectives who have participated in the documentary and it will be possible to select the pieces you want when the rewards are handed out (T-shirts, stickers, publications, posters…)

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 200

    Bring to life 2 minutes of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 10 copies DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 3 tickets for the documentary screening + merchandising pack + logistical support to present the documentary in the location of the collective.

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 400

    Bring to life 5 minutes of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 20 copies DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 5 tickets for the documentary screening + merchandising pack + logistical support to present the documentary in the location of the collective.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori

Última empenta de difusió per Poble Rebel

16 | 01 | 2017

Molt bones!

Estem a pocs dies d'acabar la campanya i ens falta només un 20% per arribar al mínim indispensable per seguir endavant. Per tal d'animar a més persones a participar, us proposem, si us ve de gust, que us feu una fotografia amb el cartell de suport a Poble Rebel i el pengeu a les vostres xarxes socials tot etiquetant a Poble Rebel.

Ja són moltes les persones i col·lectius que ho han fet i necessitem també les vostres!

Moltes gràcies un altre cop per ser Poble Rebel!


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