Poble Rebel

Immagine di intestazione
Vedere video
Finanziato il 04 / 03 / 2017
$ 16,153
$ 8,539
$ 14,623
280 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    Bring to life 5 seconds of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 1 DVD

    > 94 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 21

    Bring to life 10 seconds of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 1 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary

    > 57 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 32

    Bring to life 15 seconds of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 2 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 1 ticket for the documentary screening

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 37

    Fes realitat 20 segons del documental!

    Formar part de la llista de correu + aparició als títols de crèdit + pack de lectures i manuals en format digital relacionats amb la temàtica del documental + 1 DVD + 1 pòster del documental + 1 entrada per la presentació del documental + 1 samarreta oficial del documental.

    > 26 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 53

    Bring to life half a minute of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 2 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 2 tickets for the documentary screening

    > 42 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 107

    Bring to life 1 minute of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 3 DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 3 tickets for the documentary screening + merchandising pack. This pack contains promotional material from the various collectives who have participated in the documentary and it will be possible to select the pieces you want when the rewards are handed out (T-shirts, stickers, publications, posters…)

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 213

    Bring to life 2 minutes of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 10 copies DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 3 tickets for the documentary screening + merchandising pack + logistical support to present the documentary in the location of the collective.

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 427

    Bring to life 5 minutes of documentary

    Join the mailing list + appear in the credits + pack of lectures and manuals relating to the subject of the documentary in digital format + 20 copies DVD + 1 poster of the documentary + 5 tickets for the documentary screening + merchandising pack + logistical support to present the documentary in the location of the collective.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori

Su questo progetto

Documentary about dissidence in Catalunya since 1974 until the present day

Bisogni Compito Minimo Ottimo
Filming and editing
Cover the basic necessities of a team of 2 people during the fiming and editing of the documentary
$ 2,135
Graphic art and animation
Illustration, the documentary’s image, animation, computer graphics and graphic material for the campaign.
$ 1,601
Sound track
Composition and recording of the sound track
$ 801
Video post-production
Artistic and technical post-production of the video
$ 801
Sound post-production
Mixing and mastering the sound and the sound track of the documentary
$ 534
Subtitles and translation
Translating the subtitles into Spanish, English, French and Portuguese
$ 1,601
Graphic art for the documentary’s publicity
Illustration and graphic material for the documentary’s distribution
$ 534
Mailing and organizing the distribution of the documentary
$ 1,067
Creating the documentary’s website
$ 213
Support for screenings at collectives
Economic and logistic support to allow various collectives to screen the documentary
$ 534
Inscription to festivals
Funds to inscribe the documentary to festivals we want to participate in
$ 534
Promotion and distribution of the documentary
$ 1,067
Bisogni Materiale Minimo Ottimo
Recording materials and storage of information
Lenses, hard drives and indispensable accessories for the recording and storage of audio-visual material.
$ 1,601
Creation of different rewards for those who commit to financing us
$ 534
First edition DVD
Making the first edition of the documentary on DVD
$ 534
Second edition DVD
Making the second edition of the documentary. 500 copies
$ 534
Totale $ 8,539 $ 14,623

Informazione generale

There exists a dissident and combative Catalunya, which resists and survives beneath the official storyline. It is a Catalunya where - since the times of the fraudulent Transition - disobedience, dissidence or self-organization in the face of poverty have been palpable… just as the mode of repression in order to eradicate it has been palpable. “Rebels”, a full-length documentary, sets out to investigate, with a zoom lens fixed onto the last four decades. Beginning in 1974 with the assassination of Salvador Puig Antich, we turn up flat on our faces in the so-called “crisis” of 2008, to see the struggles of here and now, analyzing the political, economic, social and cultural context. We encompass the whole situation, in order to understand how and why social movements have arisen, grown and organized themselves; everything, in order to demonstrate the fundamental principles of action-reaction in both directions: social movements vs. the system and the system vs. social movements. If you want to get in touch with us, you can do it through: poblerebel@riseup.net

Descrizione del progetto. Caratteristiche, punti di forza e peculiarità.

Throughout these four decades of social unrest many individuals and collectives in Catalunya have opted to draw up plans of resistance and disobedience and construct alternatives to the prevailing models.

“Rebels”, a full-length documentary, is based on the testimony and dialogue of people who have formed part of this reality. They tell us, in person, about their experiences and what they have learned. Moreover, we have extensive archive material thanks to the tenacious efforts of those who, with camera in hand, have been recording the micro history of the last forty years. It is a history interwoven with three essential ingredients - the economic, social, political and cultural framework of each moment, and marked by the repercussions which each element created, typically negative, in diverse areas such as ecology, social fabric, popular culture or the freedom of expression, to mention but a few.

Within the combination of these ingredients we see struggles, actions and practices which form references and create trends. We get to know the motives behind them, and the impulses which allow them to grow. We get a feel for the social and political function they are developing and we unravel the legitimacy and motivation behind their activity outside, or on the edge of laws made in the interests of, and dictated by, certain lobbies. To finish, we look at the disturbing moment in which this power lets loose the machinery of repression in order to stamp out these struggles at the root. It has been a surgical operation of limited success as it never managed to achieve its objective: years later, these older aspirations continue to germinate. Like the ivy root, new sprouts are born from old injuries, from small victories or rekindled hopes.

“Rebels” aims to pay homage to all those courageous people who, collectively, have been the creative force behind alternatives during the last four decades.


Motivazione e a chi si dirige il progetto

Our main objective is to enpower the collectives at the level of communication. We are taking the first step with the publication of this full-length film, thus making their struggles and aims visible to all.

It is also important for us to give visibility to dissidence with respect to society in general, and look at the partial and oppositional propoganda of the conventional communication mediums which are against it.

This documentary touches on many subjects. It is an attempt to show disobedience as a characteristic and common factor of Catalunya; as a creator of new realities, arising from extremely varied sensibilities or very different needs.


Obiettivi della campagna di crowdfunding

Establish time-space relationships between different struggles and demands, and observe how their paths cross.
Demonstrate the importance of dissidence, disobedience and resistance in the creation of alternatives.
Capture the evolution of social movements from the Spanish transition until the present day.
Show how systematic repression always leaves behind seeds and spores which, sooner or later, take root and grow into new initiatives.


Esperienza previa e team

Documentary based on the testimony of:
Ferran Aguiló, Iñaki García y Juanito Piquete: Freedom movements of the 1970s
Josep Musté y Carles Benítez: Members of Terra Lluire (Free Land)
Ni Muts ni a la Gàbia. (Neither mute nor in a cage)
Assemblea No a la MAT de Fellines. (No to the MAT assembly of Fellines)
PAHC Bages.
Sindicat Popular de Venedors Ambulants. (Travelling Salespeople Popular Union)
Xarxa Antirepressiva de Familiars de Detingudes. (Antirepressive Network of Detained People’s Families)
Rubén, Gadae y Jordi: Condenados por Aturem el Parlament. (Condemned for Stop Parliament)
Quim Gimeno: Detenido en la operación Pandora II. (Detained during operation Pandora II)
Edu: Imputado a través de ficheros fantasma. (Charged through the use of ficticious files)
Títeres desde Abajo. (Underdog Puppets)
Ajuntament de Viladamat. (Viladamat Town Hall)
Jesús Rodríguez y Anna Celma: La Directa.
Campaña Justicia Juan Andrés. (Juan Andrés Justice Campaign)
Anna Gabriel, Josep Garganté, Núria Güell, Enric Duran y Josep Pàmies.

Damià Puig: Direction, production, script and photography
Sergi Fàbregas: Editing, production, script and sound track
Tomás Navarro y Daniel Soms: Graphic design and animation
Enric Barba, Oriol Díez i Manel Muntaner: Cameras
ARPEX: Sound post-production
Laura "Pimen" Humet: Promotion and Community management.
Elm Puig: Correction and editing of texts.
Ferran Aguiló: Content advisor.
Amelia Burke: English translations and distribution.
Anna Coll: Production management


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