Primer LP de NELUE para Groove Democracy

Archiviato il 25 / 04 / 2012
£ 604
£ 1,684
£ 3,789
18 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 6

    Flat rate for all Groove Democracy releases during 2012

    Premiere digital access to the entire catalog published in GrooveDemocracy till December 2012 (including, of course, the new LP) just for this small fee.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 8

    Deconstructed EP CD + Sticker + digital access to the new LP

    Send CD ( and Nelue logo sticker, and get a premiere digital access to al the tracks and remixes of the new album.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 13

    Double CD Nelue Lost Works & Exclusive Reworks + Deconstructed EP CD + sticker+ digital access to the new LP

    Send both CDs ( and Nelue logo sticker, as well as premiere digital access to al the tracks and remixes of the new album.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 21

    new LP on CD format + Double CD Nelue Lost Works & Exclusive Reworks + Deconstructed EP CD + sticker+ digital access to the new LP

    You will get the new album on CD, besides the other couple CDs and the Nelue logo sticker, as well as premiere digital access to al the tracks and remixes of the new album.

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    2 tickets for a Nelue´s gig + new LP on CD format + Double CD Nelue Lost Works & Exclusive Reworks + Deconstructed EP CD + sticker+ digital access to the new LP

    You will get 2 tickets for any of the Nelue´s gig through the summer of 2012, and the new album on CD, besides the other couple CDs and Nelue logo sticker, as well as premiere digital access to al the tracks and remixes of the new album.

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 42

    Vinyl of the single + lifetime digital access to the entire catalog of Groove Democracy + 2 tickets for a Nelue´s gig + new LP on CD format + Double CD Nelue Lost Works & Exclusive Reworks + Deconstructed EP CD + sticker+ digital access to the new LP

    You will get the single vinyl with the special remixes and will enjoy of a lifetime digital access to the entire catalog of Groove Democracy, plus the 2 tickets for any of the Nelue´s gig through the summer of 2012, and the new album on CD, besides the other couple CDs and Nelue logo sticker, as well as premiere digital access to al the tracks and remixes of the new album.

    > 10 Co-finanziatori

18 Sostenitori

5 Collaboratori

Mostra cofinanziatori

£ 42


£ 42


£ 34


Hace 1 decennio
Cantante para uno de los nuevos temas del LP: Buscamos un cantante (chico o chica) para que colabore con el nuevo LP en la grabación de uno de los temas.
Hace 1 decennio
Remezclador para uno de los nuevos temas del LP: Se dará acceso gratuito a las pistas por separado de uno de los temas del LP, y mediante votación se seleccionará una remezcla ganadora que será incluida en la publicación del disco.
Fa 1 decennio
hey, i would really collaborate with you! cheers carl
Fa 1 decennio
Hello Fernando ! Great idea! I am all the way in. Thanq for letting me know and participate !
Fa 1 decennio
Hey Carl! Leonidas! Glad to know you´re in! I´ll keep you updated once the first round has finished;) Chat soon F
Fa 1 decennio
Hello! Me ofrezco para un remix. Cheers.
Hace 1 decennio
Diseñadores y/o reporteros graficos: Se buscan diseñadores y reporteros gráficos para que colaboren tanto en el diseño de portadas, cartelería para eventos y reportajes fotográficos y/o en video. Dependiendo del tipo, repercusión y carga de trabajo, éstos serán recompensados económicamente
Fa 1 decennio
Hola! Yo podría ayudar con el diseño de portadas y cartelería.
Hace 1 decennio
Difusores del proyecto : Mediante cualquier vía de comunicación conocida o desconocida, establecida o innovadora. Serán correspondidos como mínimo con el acceso digital en primicia al nuevo LP.
Fa 1 decennio
¡¡Mucha suerte!! Un saludo, Las CasiCasiotone