Emigra o degenera (I): Bienvenidos a Suecia

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Archiviato il 03 / 05 / 2014
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    > 02 Co-finanziatori

Gestapo routines in Sweden

26 | 03 | 2014
Gestapo routines in Sweden

Late last year, an Andalusian waiter was taken from his home in Northern Sweden by the police. The officers forced the door open and entered in his home without a warrant. Soon after, he was taken to the police station and held for hours without any other evidence of criminality that being a foreigner. This is not an isolated case. Swedish security forces are conducting a real manhunt with the implicit support of institutions. Economic migrants are not welcome in this Scandinavian nation, despite the lying propaganda spread by its government in order to preserve the image of a hospitable and tolerant country.

Foreigners and Welfare State looters
The truth is that while Sweden ranks worldwide covers for its alleged humanitarianism and its willingness to accept more refugees, the Swedish government implements migration policies that prevent survive and tacitly discourage newcomers. Immigrants and their children are socially portrayed frequently as looters of their increasingly fragile welfare state.

Sweden has a youth unemployment rate of close to 25 percent and the highest social inequalities growth rate in the European Union. This country is also at the top of the European rankings of domestic violence, divorce rate and antidepressants consumption. The reality has nothing to do with the idyllic postcards that the Anglo-Saxon press often draws. An uncritical Press, congenitally unable to denounce the injustices of the system, still gets worse things. Most Swedes completely ignore the atrocities committed by their own police and the suffering experienced by the foreign population. Protest movements concentrate their efforts to fight against Nazi groups, just the tip of a much more widespread iceberg.

In parallel, a fascist party has become the third parliamentary force and what is worse, the conservatives who head the government are strongly inspired by the same migration discourse. Like Cameron, the Belgian State or some Dutch cities, the Swedish government has outlined in the shadow a migration policy contrary to the principles of the Union.

In recent years, Sweden has triggered a buried foreign persecution based on "racial profiling". That is, the systematic identification of non-Scandinavian-look people in order to detect "paperless" and "criminals". Recently, it has been known that the Swedish police has created specific databases to include the names of European Roma. Also the children have been included in this suspects databases.

The failed integration models implemented by Sweden have led to violent riots on the outskirts of Stockholm and Malmoe, where migrants have been living segregated for generations. Clashes between Nazi and anti-fascist activists are played almost weekly. Recently, the most massive fascist demonstration from 1945 was held in Swedish territory, a disturbing fact in a country where the Social Democrats sponsored sterilization policies of the disabled and "sociopaths" until just four decades ago.

In the idealized Sweden, it’s often criminalized poverty and immigration behind a cosmetic smoke of humanitarianism partially fueled by the Anglo-Saxon media, the “low-profile” Swedish chauvinism and skewed statistics. The surveys do not reflect the social reality, but the complacent view that the Aryan Swedes have about themselves.

Harassment of journalists
Even the journalists investigating the story have been subjected to systematic harassment by the security forces of Sweden. Reporters have suffered the same treatment that many migrants suffer daily with the complicit silence of the Swedish society.

The issue is of concern because just in Spain, more than a million people (almost two, according to some sources) have left the country due to the crisis. Despite these new migration flows within Europe, the exchange of information between northern and southern ends of our continent are just null. Information about the human consequences of the recession reaching northern Europe is not much better than the host countries reports which eventually reach the Southern countries. Time to time, a fragmentary chronic about evictions, suicide, poverty, insecurity, anti-abortion laws and corruption find some space between the Scandinavian headlines, but almost always out of context, without going into the causes that have triggered the "Mediterranean disaster". Swedes hear echoes of all that suffering as the distant sound of a humanitarian tsunami.

European societies are tribally responding to global problems that originated by the "austericides" . While the south moves up, the north (also affected by the crisis, although on a different scale) is trying to defend its cake by implementing extreme right migratory policies.

Fascist metastasis
This new European social framework is disturbing. If not, judge yourself the recent political developments in the societies of our geographical environment: The National Front has established as the leading French party in the polls for the European elections. The Danish People's Party, the Sweden Democrats and True Finns have become the third most voted parties in their respective countries. The Freedom Party ( FPÖ ) exceeded 20 percent of the vote in the last elections held in Austria. Polls suggest that the Freedom Party and the Flemish Block (Vlaams Belang) are on track to regain electoral space in the Netherlands and Belgium. Golden Dawn is occupying an important political space in Greece, while the Spanish Popular Party swung to the extreme right and moves its political actions into the neighborhood of their European fascist brothers in arms. Finally, the Italian Northern League remains as a solid electoral alternative to extreme right. Yeah... tribal solutions for universal problems! And almost all of these formations have something in common: they are surnamed "Popular", "Democrats" or something connected to "Freedom".

This DOCUMENTARY about Scandinavia is the first installment of a journalistic and activist investigation conceived with the following goals and objectives:

-Giving to know the miseries of the great Swedish lie.
-Portraying the Swedish social framework and informing about the dangerous xenophobic wind blowing across Sweden.
-Providing accurate information on what migrants can find on their way into exile.

The Ragged Army . March 26, 2014
(ferranb@theraggedarmy.com & nuria@theraggedarmy.com)

Frequently, immigrants and their children are socially portrayed as looters of the fragile Swedish welfare state.


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