The Escuelita Sonqollay is an infant school in Tarapoto, Peru.

Immagine di intestazione
Vedere video
Finanziato il 26 / 05 / 2023
€ 1.305
€ 500
€ 6.000
17 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 10

    Welcome to Sonqollay.

    Thousands of thanks for participating in our dream and making it possible.
    With this contribution we will send a thank you through our social networks.
    Remember that your donation is tax deductible. Make the donation in your income tax return and the tax authorities will refund you up to 80% of your contribution.

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 35

    Digital photo calendar.

    You are already part of Sonqollay ! With your donation we are one step closer to our goal.
    With this contribution you will receive a digital calendar with the photos of the students doing the pedagogical activities.
    Remember that your donation is tax deductible. Make the donation on your tax return and the tax authorities will refund you up to 80% of your contribution.

    > 04 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 50

    Thanks a million! Sonqollay gives you a T-shirt as a gift.

    Your contribution means a lot to the community. As a token of appreciation we will send you a school t-shirt, just tell us which size you like best.
    Shipping to Spain and Europe will be included in the donRemember that your donation is tax deductible. Make the donation in your income tax return and the tax authorities will refund you up to 80% of your contribution.ation.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 100

    Thank you, you are creating life.

    With your contribution we will bring more life to our land. We have two mango, lemon and mandarin trees. With this donation we will continue planting native trees for the conservation of nature. We will plant Pumarrosa, pitahayas, papaya and banana trees.
    Remember that your donation is tax deductible. Make the donation in your income tax return and the tax authorities will refund you up to 80% of your contribution.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 300

    You make education possible.

    This means a lot to us, with your donation you are guaranteeing the schooling of a child from a less favored socioeconomic environment.
    By donating 300 euros a child will be able to attend school for free.
    Remember that your donation is tax deductible. Make the donation in your income tax return and the tax authorities will refund you up to 80% of your contribution.

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
Our 2nd round in Goteo will be over soon. Click here and follow the last details.

Inicio segunda ronda

¡Buenas noticias! Se han cumplido los primeros 40 días y con ellos ha concluido la primera ronda. Gracias a los y las que habeis contribuido en esta primera ronda hemos podido alcanzar el objetivo mínimo y continuar hacia el optimo.

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We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
Wow, we've doubled what we hoped for in Goteo!
We are almost there. We need you, they already supported us!
7 days left and we haven't achieved our minimum goal, ouch! Key time to donate now.

Un poco de Sonqollay

Sonqollay es un espacio al aire libre donde los niños tienen un lugar protegido del calor y la lluvia. Además tiene un amplio jardín donde ver animales, estar en contacto con la tierra y las plantas.

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Un año de Sonqollay

Hace un año iniciamos este viaje en la educación. con un grupo de tan solo tres niños de los cuales dos estaban invitados a participar.
Hoy en día con orgullo podemos decir que hemod podido ayudar aproximadamente a 12 familias.
Ese 6 de Abril...

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This crowdfunding campaign started 20 days ago, but we need more than money!
It's been a week since we're campaigning in Goteo. Do you know who's our target?

Primeros días de Sonqollay

En Diciembre de 2021 Sonqollay comenzó a funcionar. Después de meses de buscar el lugar adecuado, equiparlo de materiales y juguetes, llegaron los pequeños.
En un principio eran dos niños pero la cantidad y la variedad de edades cambiaron...

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Drop after drop, donation after donation, help us to achieve our goals (click here).
Here we are! The team behind this campaign and project.
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!