Fons Cooperatiu per l'Emergència Social i Sanitària

Immagine di intestazione
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Finanziato il 09 / 10 / 2020
€ 65.522
€ 30.000
€ 100.000
406 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 10

    You start to see that capitalism doesn't work just yet

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 19 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 15

    You have seen that Social and Solidarity Economy can be an alternative but your economy is precarious

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 38 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 25

    You are a conscientious person, what you would spend on a weekend, you decided to give it to build alternatives

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 53 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 30

    ets sobirà/na de la teva donació

    Un dvd del documental de Food Coop

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 40

    You want to be able to tell your offspring (or nieces) that you too were there, with the ESS when the Covid-19 crisis

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of base fee in Opcions magazine

    > 36 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 50

    Generous cooperativist

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a book on co-operatives in the Sants or Barceloneta neighborhood edited by the Invisible City
    "The Cooperatives Obreres de Sants" or "The solidarity forging of a port district. The working and cooperative Barceloneta"
    (reward for the first 40 on arrival)

    (Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)

    > 40 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 50

    Generous cooperativist

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 41 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 70

    You do want to be a cooperativist

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a book abou History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation (first 40 donors) and one fee year of "opcions" magazine and one Opcions Notebook

    (Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 70

    You do want to be a cooperativist

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 80

    You aspire to be a cooperative with pride

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee in Opcions magazine

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 100

    You know that € 100 in the social and solidarity economy can work miracles

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a book abou History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation (first 30 donors) and one fee year of "opcions" magazine and one Opcions Notebook

    (Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)

    > 30 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 100

    You know that € 100 in the social and solidarity economy can work miracles

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 16 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 150

    You want to be an expert in cooperativism

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a book pack: History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation, "Les Cooperatives Obreres de Sants" and "The solidarity forge of a port district. The working and cooperative Barceloneta" edited by La Ciutat Invisible

    (Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 150

    You do want to put cooperatives at the center

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 11 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 250

    The way out of the crisis is solidarity and you know it

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 10% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 300

    Cooperativista - tallerista

    Agraïment al web i, si ets un col·lectiu o entitat, pots triar entre els següents tallers impartits per Resilience Earth (hi ha 4 disponibles): Teories del Canvi, Punts Palanca per a la Transformació, Planificació Estratègica Transformadora, o Cicle de la Resiliència Organitzacional.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 350

    "I was there"

    There are five collective rewards. Free registration at FESC this year with a stall included.

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 350

    Betting on cooperatives and responsible consumption

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 20% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 400

    Vols comunicar la teva aposta pel cooperativisme

    Assessoria a càrrec de Clara Comunicacions d'entre 3 i 10 hores.
    S'analitza el DAFO de l'entitat, la seva competència, la seva singularitat, públics i cap a on s''haurien de dirigir. Acaba amb un document amb les guies bàsiques que han de fer en pròxims moments i pot ser tot a distància o part presencial/virtual, amb una reunió amb les persones implicades.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 500

    You are an experienced supportive person

    Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 10% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"

    > 05 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 1.000

    With 30 more like you, we already have the first phase;)

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 2.000

    We enter the phase "we share the boxes of resistance"

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 3.000

    With 10 more like you, we already have the first phase;)

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando € 5.000

    Alternative builder

    Your name in acknowledgments page

    > 00 Co-finanziatori


Com recordareu, el Fons Cooperatiu per l'Emergència Social i Sanitària va ser una iniciativa engegada durant la pandèmia per més d'una vintena d'entitats que va mobilitzar la solidaritat de més de 400 persones per donar **suport a totes...

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Moltes gràcies per construir una Economia per la Vida! #FonsCooperatiuESS

Aviat farà un any que el #FonsCooperatiuESS va néixer per demostrar que una altra economia és possible i que ja existeix. Davant el context de crisi social i sanitària provocada per la COVID-19, enteníem...

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Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people.
After a few weeks campaigning in Goteo, this is what we have been telling you (click here).

Seguim amb la segona fase!

Seguim amb la segona fase, volem aconseguir 80.000 € més per finançar encara més projectes. Aquesta segona fase s’ha enfocat a reforçar els fons propis que els projectes necessiten ara mateix per seguir desenvolupant la seva activitat.


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Wow, we've doubled what we hoped for in Goteo!

Nova convocatòria d'iniciatives receptores per al Fons Cooperatiu per l'Emergència Social i Sanitària

Engeguem la segona fase!
Nova convocatòria d'iniciatives receptores per al Fons Cooperatiu per l'Emergència Social i Sanitària

El #FonsCooperatiuESS va néixer per demostrar que una altra economia és possible...

[Continua a leggere]
A million thanks to everyone! We keep crowdfunding in a 2nd round to achieve our optimum goal!
Almost, almost there... How will this campaign end? Click here and meet the donors who already support us.
One week left to achieve the minimum funds we need. If you haven't donate yet, now it's the time!

Actualització de les iniciatives

Inicialment es va incorporar Btactic i John Fil al llistat de la primera fase, però finalment s’ha vist més idoni incorporar-les en la segona fase, ja que s’ha considerat juntament amb les dues iniciatives, que les seves necessitats...

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Already 20 days of campaign in Goteo and still a world ahead. Who could also help with this? (click here).

Tancament de la primera fase el 1er de Maig, diada internacional dels i les treballadores

El 1er de Maig, diada internacional dels i les treballadores, el Fons Cooperatiu per l’Emergència Social i Sanitària donem per tancada la primera fase d’una recollida de fons que vam iniciar el 14 d’abril, dia de la República.

En dues...

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Última setmana de la primera fase!

Estem en la recta final, divendres, dia del/la treballador/a acaba la primera fase.
Moltes gràcies a totes per les vostres aportacions, la solidaritat baix a baix va funcionar i vam asolir el mínim molt abans del que estava previst, la gran...

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Great! Minimum funding goal accomplished! Thanks to all of you who supported and spread our campaign in Goteo!
One week already in Goteo! Take a look on our motivations and who we target.
Thanks to people's support, our project is very close to become true!
Drop after drop, donation after donation, help us to achieve our goals (click here).
Two hundred contributors already... It's not just a campaign, its a dream machine!
This is a great support: 2,500€ donation to the campaign. Super thanks!
Here we are! The team behind this campaign and project.
Half of the thermometer achieved, we now go for the rest of it!
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
Wow! A donation of €1,000 to our campaign in Goteo, many thanks!
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!