
Archiviato il 25 / 11 / 2013
$ 574
$ 6,769
$ 9,628
15 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 5


    You will receive the first release of the game for Android or iOS. You will be allowed to vote on whether the application should be pronounced /fisaps/ or /fesaps/.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 11

    Listing in credits

    You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps + You will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 16

    Student Pack

    Enhance your PhysApp with archives containing all of the supplementary information you need to learn every physics topic easily + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps + You will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 38

    Teaching Pack

    Enhance your PhysApp with the solutions to all suggested enigmas and exercises, and the teaching guide + The archives containing all of the supplementary information you need to learn every physics topic easily + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps + You will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 43

    Programmer Pack

    Enhance your PhysApp with all the information you need to develop an educational videogame, including the basic design document + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps + You will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 54

    Illustrator Pack

    If you are an illustrator or animator, enhance your PhysApp with the Illustrator Pack, which contains advice for professional artists and illustration students + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps + You will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 108

    PHYSAPPS "Total Pack"

    I you don't want to miss out on anything and would like the Student Pack, the Teaching Pack and the Programmer and Illustrator packs, with this contribution you will receive all four packs, together with your copy of PhysApp + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 162

    Printed Artbook

    If in addition to the PhysApps Total Pack you would also like the Artbook, this is your reward! + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 271

    Sponsor a character in the game

    If you would like your face or that of a friend or family member to be used for a character in PhysApps, this is your reward! A very special present, but only limited numbers are available! We will help you agree on the face you want to immortalise + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps + You will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    Limited reward
    Only 4 units left

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 325


    If you are a teacher, a programmer or an illustrator, and in addition to acquiring the PhysApps “Total Pack” you wpuld like to learn together with us, see how we work, and visit our studio in Barcelona, why not become a Contributore (this benefit does not include transport or accommodation expenses) + You will be listed in the credits as an initial funder of PhysApps + You will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando $ 1,300

    Official Sponsor

    People or institutions keen establish a special collaboration with the project and who would like their name to appear in advertising materials and at project events (a minimum of one public action per month) + Receive all information about the development of the project and the financial report + Priority listing in the credits as a Official Sponsor of PhysApps + Sponsors will also receive a copy of the first version of the game.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

15 Sostenitori

6 Collaboratori

Mostra cofinanziatori

$ 11
$ 43


$ 108


$ 271
$ 11
$ 11
$ 11
$ 11


$ 16
$ 11
$ 5


$ 38


$ 11
$ 11


Hace 1 decennio
Colaboración docente: Animamos a docentes de física a aportar sus problemas y ideas para PhysApps, siguiendo la pauta de los desarrolladores de PhysApps.
Fa 1 decennio
Hola Toni, mi nombre es Daniel Castro soy estudiante avanzado en el Profesorado en Física, encontré su idea por internet y me intereso bastante. Me gustaria que me brindes un poco mas de información acerca de como colaborar con problemas o ideas para la App para plantear esta idea al grupo de docentes y alumnos en la Universidad que estudio. Muchas gracias y saludos!
Hace 1 decennio
Programadores: Los programadores son bienvenidos, especialmente si dominan el desarrollo de Apps o el sector del videojuego, y tienen una mentalidad OPEN.
Hace 1 decennio
MÚSICO: ¿Eres músico y apasionado de los videojuegos? ¿Te gustaría que tu música fuese la de Physapps? Si quieres componer tu música para PhysApps te animamos a colaborar con nosotros.
Fa 1 decennio
Bones, soc músic,físic i apasionat de la programació i videojocs (encara que amb coneixements limitats de programació). M'agradaria poder col·laborar en aquest projecte d'alguna manera, ja que em sembla molt interessant. Salut
Fa 1 decennio
Bones, jo soc únicament músic. Sóc estudiant de composició. He treballat entre d’altres en bandes sonores per curts, documentals i anuncis. Trobo el projecte molt interessant i m’agradaria col•laborar-hi aportant la música i si cal el disseny sonor de l’aplicació. Us deixo el correu: Salut
Hace 1 decennio
EQUIPOS INFORMÁTICOS: ¿Posees equipos informáticos (MAC) actualizados que nos pudieses prestar para el proyecto? ¡Contacta con nosotros!
Hace 1 decennio
No se m'acut com col·laborar (a més d'una humil donació), però si vosaltres trobeu la manera, compteu-hi!!
Hace 1 decennio
Hola, sóc professor de Física i Química a secundària. M'agraden molt els jocs de lògica i les curiositats i paradoxes de la Física.
Compteu amb mi per a aportar idees,
Hace 1 decennio
Hola Toni

Me llamo Ramón Ferreruela. Me gusta vuestra idea de la PhisApps, soy profesor de ciencias en Barcelona. Me animaria a aportar problemas de física y juegos. También tengo algo de experiencia en programación.

Un saludo