Swingdigentes graban disco... ¡En la calle!

Finanziato il 18 / 03 / 2014
£ 8,443
£ 7,602
£ 10,981
254 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 4

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 8

    Advance Download

    Support us with 10Eur and have the album before anyone else. Also your name will be in the credits and in the thanks video.

    > 32 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 13

    The Physical Album, but better than CD.

    CDs are for frightening birds….Here we give you everything on a USB flash drive!!! And of course advance download, your name in the credits, and our acknowledgements.

    > 92 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 25

    Download, Pendrive and T-Shirt

    To all this you have to add an exclusive T-shirt that will let us remember this adventure.

    > 63 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    Nostalgia? Take the vinyl!!!!

    All the above and our album on vinyl, we have class.

    > 30 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 68

    All merchandising

    We have a team of craftsmen working day and night to create all kinds of Swingdigentes products. Choose this award and take it all: bracelets, pendants, earrings, clipboard, briefcase ... In addition to all the above, if you send us a picture of you we'll stick it up in the van next to the stamps of the saints ...

    > 15 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 169

    Master Class: our concentrated knowledge.

    A Master Class for up to 15 persons, percussion and dance taught by our drummer and our dancers.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 338

    Workshop: we explain all

    Masterclass If you know a little, we can show it all in a morning and afternoon session.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 845

    Swingdigentes Show!

    We go where you want and we perform! Ask us conditions (or lack of them).

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 1,267

    Concert + workshops

    The complete package: we spend the day with dance and percussion workshops, and end with a show in which we engage our pupils. Not allowed for embarassing ones!!

    > 01 Co-finanziatori


10 | 02 | 2014

(texto español debajo)
Hello everybody!!!

We are happier than ever! Thanks to more than 200 patrons, we have successfully passed the hat 2.0 through the net. More than 200 friends trusted us by buying our first album & movie before they are actually recorded. After finishing phase 1, we are still running the crowdfunding campaign to try to reach the optimum of 13000€ (you can check here how this would improve our recording http://goteo.org/project/swingdigentes/needs) so if you think some friends, comrades, relatives or neighbors would like to participate in this project, please spread the world and let them now about us! You can also recommend our workshops: 10-15 friends can reclaim collectively the reward Masterclass or Workshop. Our dancers will teach you the elementary hip-hop, funk & jazz steps or help you with your own choreography; while our percussionist will be showing you the philosophy and technique of body and recycled percussion. Sample videos coming soon!
Now the ball is in our court, and Swingdigentes are already working hard to have everything prepared before the outdoor recording date (end of march-april). We are rehearsing daily and composing new themes and writing the scenario of our new show. We are also doing our best to have all your t-shirts, merchandising, vinyls, flash drives ready to send right after the album mastering! Please keep in touch as we will be sharing videos on these topics so our patrons and producers could follow the whole creation and recording process.
Thank you again for your support on the streets, on the stages and now also on the net!

¡Hola a tod@s!

Somos y estamos más felices que nunca. Gracias a más de 200 mecenas hemos completado la primera fase de nuestro "Pasar la gorra 2.0". Más de 200 amig@s habéis confiado en nosotros comprando nuestro disco y peli de forma anticipada. La campaña de crowdfunding continua y vamos a intentar llegar al objetivo óptimo de 13000€ (aquí tienes la info para saber como mejorará con esto nuestro proyecto http://goteo.org/project/swingdigentes/needs) así que si crees que tienes amigos, socios, familiares o vecinos que les encantaría participar y conocer nuestro proyecto, háblales de nosotros. También les puedes recomendar nuestros talleres: os podéis juntar un grupo de 15 personas y entre tod@s os lleváis la recompensa Masterclass o Talleres, ideal para campamentos, asociaciones culturales, colegios o escuelas de música y danza; recibiréis clases de baile (hip-hop, funk, jazz) impartidas por los bailarines de Swingdigentes, que también te ayudarán a mejorar tus propias coreografías; nuestro percusionista te enseñará los secretos, filosofía y técnica de la percusión corporal y reciclada. Pronto subiremos vídeos de ejemplo ¡Gracias por difundir la palabra!
Ahora es nuestro turno y Swingdigentes estamos currando a tope para estar a la altura: ensayamos a diario, escribimos el guión del nuevo show, componemos los nuevos temas para el disco… Queremos tenerlo todo ultrapreparado para la grabación en directo a la que estáis tod@s invitados! También estamos poniendo toda la carne en el asador para sacar unas camisetas, vinilos, pendrives y merchandising fantásticos, que os gusten tanto como a nosotros y que podamos enviarlos a vuestras casas en cuanto el disco esté masterizado. Estad atentos porque pronto iremos mostrando en video todo esto, para que nuestros mecenas y productores podáis seguir el proceso de creación del álbum de principio a fin.
De nuevo, nuestro eterno agradecimiento por el apoyo mostrado en las calles, en los escenarios y ahora también en la red!


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