Swingdigentes graban disco... ¡En la calle!

Finanziato il 18 / 03 / 2014
£ 8,505
£ 7,658
£ 11,061
254 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 4

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 9

    Advance Download

    Support us with 10Eur and have the album before anyone else. Also your name will be in the credits and in the thanks video.

    > 32 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 13

    The Physical Album, but better than CD.

    CDs are for frightening birds….Here we give you everything on a USB flash drive!!! And of course advance download, your name in the credits, and our acknowledgements.

    > 92 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 26

    Download, Pendrive and T-Shirt

    To all this you have to add an exclusive T-shirt that will let us remember this adventure.

    > 63 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    Nostalgia? Take the vinyl!!!!

    All the above and our album on vinyl, we have class.

    > 30 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 68

    All merchandising

    We have a team of craftsmen working day and night to create all kinds of Swingdigentes products. Choose this award and take it all: bracelets, pendants, earrings, clipboard, briefcase ... In addition to all the above, if you send us a picture of you we'll stick it up in the van next to the stamps of the saints ...

    > 15 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 170

    Master Class: our concentrated knowledge.

    A Master Class for up to 15 persons, percussion and dance taught by our drummer and our dancers.

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 340

    Workshop: we explain all

    Masterclass If you know a little, we can show it all in a morning and afternoon session.

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 851

    Swingdigentes Show!

    We go where you want and we perform! Ask us conditions (or lack of them).

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 1,276

    Concert + workshops

    The complete package: we spend the day with dance and percussion workshops, and end with a show in which we engage our pupils. Not allowed for embarassing ones!!

    > 01 Co-finanziatori

¡Ya sois más de 100 mecenas! (more than 100 patrons)

15 | 01 | 2014
¡Ya sois más de 100 mecenas! (more than 100 patrons)

(English below)
¡Gracias a tod@s vosotr@s estamos mucho más cerca de conseguirlo!
Habéis confiado en nuestro proyecto y ya sois productores de nuestro primer disco y película.
Nos encantaría que más allá del apoyo que nos estais dando os divirtáis e impliquéis con la producción del disco: a partir del lunes 20 de enero comenzamos las sesiones con neustro nuevo productor musical, Miguel de La Bizarrería, a quien os presentaremos muy prontito... además iremos mostrando los ensayos de los nuevos temas y muchas novedades en cuanto a material gráfico, los diseños de las nuevas camisetas, material adicional de la película documental...

Dos noticias muy importantes. A finales de esta semana estrenamos el primero de los trailers del documental, en nuestro Youtube y Facebook... Además, hablando de redes sociales, estamos a punto de llegar a l@s 5000 amig@s en Facebook y por ello queremos celebrarlo con tod@s vosotr@s de una forma muy especial. Nuestr@ amig@ número 5000 se llevará a su casa una parte del maravilloso pack de merchandising artesanal que ofrecemos entre nuestras recompensas para cofinanciadores, en concreto las 4 cositas que ilustran esta entrada en el blog: colgante sombrero, pack del fumador (mechero con funda y portapapeles) y billetera. ¡Corre a contárselo a tu novi@, coleg@, padre, madre, prim@, sobrin@, cuñad@, vecin@ que aun están a tiempo!

Thank you everybody!
"Grace a vous" dear patrons, we are much closer of our goal!
You have trusted us and are among our more than 100 producers! But we hope this goal will be a collective goal and that you enjoy all the process of production: meeting our musical producer, his crew, discover our new tunes, t-shirt designs, and the movie´s extra stuff... very soon here, in our youtube and facebook...

2 good news! First of all we would like to announce that the first trailer of our documentary movie is coming soon, so if you are not among our facebook "friends" follow us in our social media (youtube, facebook)... anyway, if you do, tell also your family, friends or neighbours as we are almost in the 5000 Facebook Friends and in order to celebrate this huge event we would like to gift our number 5000 with part of our official handcrafted merchandising (pack shown above in the photo)!

Hecho a mano


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